Just like in any Bomberman game, your goal is to blow up your opponents before they blow you up. You collect Power-Ups and try to outsmart your opponents. (Will support 4 players)
I do not plan to release a testable version of this map until it is playable (right now bombs don't even blow up, so it'd be pointless). I'd like to wait until the beta gets patched so that we can host maps before I release any version.
Current Features
WASD movement
Can place bombs!
Bombs now explode *With radius!, and keeps track of how many bombs you can have in the arena at once.
Plans Add power-ups to upgrade explosions, increase player speed, kick bombs, etc... Time limit and leaderboard (maybe) Sudden death (If time is almost up the walls start to spiral from the outside towards the center) Add multiple arenas (hopefully)
Note: Like many of you, I have finals coming up so it may be a little before i get a playable build. But I'll keep updating you on what I've done.
-Bomb explosions is finished! (with a few minor bugs to work out)
-Bombs explode but only take up one tile as of right now
-Dynamic code that lets you lay bombs after they blow up and allows you to increase the amount of bombs you can lay at a time
Known Problems: Error messages on screen (as seen in screenshot), but there doesn't seem to be any in game problem.
-Can place bombs (spawn underneath Bomberman, can't walk back onto them once you step off of them)
-Limit of how many bombs you can place (Will easily be able to add the power up that increases how many bombs you can lay
Known Problems: Error messages on screen (as seen in screenshot), but there doesn't seem to be any in game problem.
-Controls fixed so that you can't walk through anything. (only fixed for player 1, will do the other players later)
-wasd controlls for all 4 Bomberman.
-Created map
Known Problems: Can walk through supply depots and debris if you try to walk between 2.
just wondering how you made the bombs in Data editor? Could you give me a few hints or a link to map?
I regret that I have run in to some problems and I haven't had enough time to fix this, and I will be out of town (without my computer) this coming week, so it will be a little while longer before I can get up a video or any sort of beta release.
I will try to brute force my way through the problems as quickly as possible once I return.
Bomberman is probably one of my favorite games of all times I can't wait for this. Please try to give us a video link or something when you can just a lil demonstration or something.
Sorry for the lack of an update, I've been studying for finals, which I have 2 of tomorrow. I'll be done this weekend so you can expect a demo video within a week after that.
Cant even play multi-player UMS right now anyways =P
I also like demo videos pl0x!
I like download links pl0x!
As of now the debris don't explode and there's only 1 tile of explosion anyways. Plus I haven't fully implemented the controls for players 2,3,or 4 yet. So an upload would be pointless right now.
I am making good progress though (for the time I get to work on it), you can expect at least a demo video soon.
upload plz....
하고 싶당 핥핥
Woooooooooooow i love this game :DDDDDD
please gimmie download it :(