

Long ago, an ancient Protoss clan built a giant Bio-Dome on an inhabitable planet. Life flourished but for some reason the clan disappeared. You wish to return from the war and be at peace with nature. Unfortunately others have the same idea. Can you claim the Bio-Dome for your own?

What Kind of Map

This map is a standard four (4) player melee map. It can be played as FFA, 1v1, or 2v2.

What to Expect

Limited Playable Area

The entire bio-dome is surrounded by a force field that keeps the hazardous atmosphere from destroying the jungle life. All units (including air) are not able to pass through the force field.

Limited Cliffs

There are no cliffs except for the main rector building in the center of the bio-dome.

Limited Line of Sight

Since the bio-dome has gone undisturbed for so long, planet life has flourished. This means there are a lot of tall grass which will cause a lot of line of sight issues.

Shallow Water

The water within the bio-dome is very shallow to a point where a unit can walk in it with ease. It's even shallow enough for build structures.

Bio-Dome Security (Novice Only)

Photo Cannons have been placed within the bio-dome to keep balance among the animals. Be careful, they detect you as intruders.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 3, 2010
  • Last Released File
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