This map will be a re-make of Battlecruiser command for wc3. However, it will have some features from Battlestar Galactika and will contain a lot of different tasks for purpose to protect the ship, which will express them selfs in minigames of al kinds.
planing featurs:
- 2 foe battlestars, one for Humans and one for Cylons. Humans starts from the planet, Cylons attacks them.
- Main roles: Captin, Navigator, fiters, defence sistem operator, scientist, warrior.
- Each players has particular and limited control of different part of the ship, due to their role.
- No minimap, it will be replaces by radar and screens in cockpit. Those tools wold be ony tools for navigation.
- Each players has particular and limited control of different part of the ship, due to it role.
- Planets and asteroids as sourses of resourses.
- Tech tree for defense, weapons, social, production systems.
- Necessite to protect ship from outside and inside.
- Terrens shifts.
- Accidental events.
Team reqruiment is open :) Dont hezitate to expres yours idias and suggestions. Dont forget to to show my mistakes ^_^
really like the tech tree and each player gets control of a certain part of the ship concepts
Think there will be some sort of alpha or pre-alpha release when the beta opens again? : )
there will be ability to make fleet
Will there be smaller ships to fly like in Cruiser command? Miners and figthers?
This was also one of my favorite WC3 maps; I'll be testing this with some friends once the beta reopens.
its a live, but now i have examination piriod so i almost doent have any time for a while, actually atm im testing and rebuilding different modules, so nothing treally to show
Dead or Alive? :/ really loves the Cruiser Command map for Wc3.