Balanced Lopolis
Protoss - Zealot train time reduced from 38 to 36 / warpgate cooldown remains the same - Stalker base life increased by 10 - Stalker base damage increased by 1 - Colossus damage reduced to 14 (+1 vs light) - Colossus shields reduced by 10 - Psionic storm research adds effect: templars start with 62 energy Zerg - Fungal growth time increased to 6 seconds, damage stays the same - Roach life decreased by 5 - Roach damage upgrades now only increase +1 - Ultralisk chitinous plating slightly increases movement speed - Tunneling claws increases roach life by 5 - Spine crawler life increased by 10 Terran - Concussion shells cost increased to 100/100 - Concussion shells research time increased by 20 seconds - Tank supply reduced to 2 - Tank train time reduced from 45 to 43