Third Person Map Test (incomplete)

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Test map for a map I am planning to make in the future. This is basically just for testing the functionality of mechanics of the game and the spells/abilities. Right now it's more of a World of Warcraft style RPG game.

In the future I plan on making a map that is basically a mix of DotA and World of Warcraft battlegrounds. It will be a 5v5 game where people get to pick there heroes before the game starts just like in DotA. At first there will probably just be one game mode, probably a capture the flag game mode, but hopefully in the future there will be other game modes like king of the hill or maybe deathmatch-type games.

I'm new to map editing and this is my first ever map, and I had a lot of help from the sc2mapster forums and some tutorials while making it. Please leave any feedback regarding whatever is already done... Although at the moment that isn't a whole lot. Keep in mind that there will be a lot of things added and changed.

P.S. Any requests for spells/abilities are welcome! Since I am working on this project by myself at the moment any requests for spells and abilities you would like to see would be very helpful! Thanks.


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  • Created
    Jun 17, 2010
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