This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of StarCraft II. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Based on Starcraft`s Aeon of Strife. Now realized in the powerful Starcraft 2 engine. The sequel promises to retake the "crown", and deliver an engaging and new immersive experience akin like none other.
The battle for eternity is about to fought. Where will you be?
As far I remember, AoS was huge event, I presume this mod will be so. I also believe army of two isn't enough for this, even but both authors are very skilled (as well busy) modders.
Yeah..I remember now;p. Ive been busy though(on the map), but definitely soon I`ll be able to show off some of the features/mechanics/gameplay. Stick around, and be patient;p
I remember when AoS was still called Three Kingdoms.
As far I remember, AoS was huge event, I presume this mod will be so. I also believe army of two isn't enough for this, even but both authors are very skilled (as well busy) modders.
:O Any progress being made on this? SCII needs an AoS map more worthy than SOTIS
looking forward to it ^^
Hey xShaelis
Yeah..I remember now;p. Ive been busy though(on the map), but definitely soon I`ll be able to show off some of the features/mechanics/gameplay. Stick around, and be patient;p
heyyy! You said you'd release something on this within a week. :P can we have a preview or something? D;