1v1 map, easy natural to obtain and defend. Third is farther away and more difficult to secure. Gold expo is slightly farther then third, but very close to mid-map high ground, making it difficult to defend.
1v1 map, easy natural to obtain and defend. Third is farther away and more difficult to secure. Gold expo is slightly farther then third, but very close to mid-map high ground, making it difficult to defend.
Solid map so far. I agree with MapCrafter in that it IS very spartan. And those doodads that go on the sides of cliffs are indeed sweet. Maybe consider having the minerals in the high yield expos butting up against the cliffs instead of as far away as possible. That would double the importance of holding the high ground. Also I'm not sure if I like that the ENTIRE center area can be seen with the watchtowers. What I like about blizz maps is that there are blind spots where I can slip by and still surprise them. But that is just a preference. Good map!
The map looks way too square making it ugly, try mixing it up a bit by scrambling some of the terrain to get more a natural appeal to the cliffs. The two watch towers are placed in poo places, with just 2 watch towers you could cover the same area of those 3 you have. Terrain color on the south peninsular looks ugly as.
Try going over the hole map with a bit of detail too make it look like a landscape instead of that blocky nonsense. All in all the scenario reminds me a bit of an old sc1 map, the high yield minerals look a bit easier to hold then most sc2 maps but still are exposed to the high ground so that i guess is a disadvantage but then you have the other expansions that has 2 entrances and is basically the same location as the high yield maybe they should be switched?
Forgot to mention, I'm trying to figure out how I can make the cliff drop off look a bit prettier instead of just blank land. If anyone can tell me how I can put some fog at the bottom of the cliffs like in blistering sands, that would be awesome. Also, how can I attatch doodads to the side of the cliffs? I can't quite figure that out. Asides from that, just looking for some input! Thanks ahead of time! Any more input would be stellar. Should I try to pretty the map up with more doodads in corners and places? Any more input would just be awesome, hahaha