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Patch 1.3 Goes Live
Patch 1.3 has gone live this morning, and with it, the new Custom Games system and Editor fixes. To refresh your memory on the patch notes, check out the Blizzard blog.
Customizing UI Changes by Blizzard
Blizzard also released this announcement about Custom Layouts... Keep in mind, we will still be able to override and access after this is implemented.
Quote:We wanted to clarify a feature of the UI system that might not be initially apparent to custom map makers.
The user interface in StarCraft II does not officially support the file replacement system where an SC2Layout file in a custom map replaces an existing SC2Layout file found in the Core mod. Replacing built-in UI layout files in this manner can cause many problems. In a future patch we will be disabling the ability to replace UI layout files in this manner completely as it results in undesirable behavior.
However, we understand that a custom map may want to change values in the default UI in order to customize the UI for their particular map. To address these needs we have created the Custom Layout File system. Within Game UI Data there exists an array of Asset Paths that can be used to load .SC2Layout files that override and extend the default UI layout files. This list of custom layout files can be modified in the Data Editor under the field name of “Custom Layout Files”. The custom layout files themselves can be added using the Import Editor.
One of our own custom maps, StarJeweled, takes advantage of this particular system. It uses the CustomLayoutFileArray field to load a file called GameUIOverride.SC2Layout. Frames within this file will override the existing frames and their fields can be changed, or new fields can be added. New frames can even be added within already existing frames.
For example, the CommandPanel within the default UI is overridden in the example below. Its anchoring and height are changed, as well as the anchoring of both the CommandTooltip and CommandButton10. The important part here is the file=”GameUI” attribute which specifies the existing .SC2Layout file that is being overridden, and the name attribute which specifies the hierarchy within that file of the exact frame being overridden.
<Frame type="CommandPanel" name="GameUI/UIContainer/ConsoleUIContainer/CommandPanel" file="GameUI"> <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent" pos="Min" offset="871"/> <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$this" pos="Min" offset="0"/> <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="-160"/> <Height val="281"/> <Frame type="CommandTooltip" name="CommandTooltip"> <Anchor side="Bottom" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="-85"/> <Anchor side="Right" relative="$parent" pos="Max" offset="-580"/> </Frame> <Frame type="CommandButton" name="CommandButton10"> <Anchor side="Top" relative="$parent/CommandButton05" pos="Max" offset="48"/> <Anchor side="Left" relative="$parent/CommandButton05" pos="Min" offset="0"/> </Frame> </Frame>
Only good things I see are search bar for join custom game and bookmark custom map. Rest are just failed attempts
i dont get it . is this a good thing ??? or is this an other FAILED attemp at doing a good thing??
Navigating to new pages on the maps list feels a bit faster. That and the search function means this patch was actually positive.
It's really the same thing. Now, it's just a bit more streamlined.
Anyway, replacing layout files is technically already broken, as maps like smashcraft and notd crash on loading. However, new maps using the module-system that blizz set up work just fine.
We are gamers, we have many lives :)
Patch 1.3 Goes Lives??? Patch 1.3 Goes Live* Lulz
Damn bout the sc2layout changes