Heavy Iron and Blizzard Interview

Heavy Iron pt2 by Crainy

Some of you may remember the 40 second teaser we had in the news awhile back . This time Crainy came back with a down right amazing trailer for his gameplay. Take a look.

Interview comments on map community by instarcraft.de

Some very interesting news came from this interview. What seems to be the most interesting is the comment blizzard made about "At the top of the list right now is improving the custom game experience." This is fantastic news for us all indeed.


Can you talk about some of the new features for the Galaxy Map Editor in the next expansion?

Jonny Ebbert: I'm not sure if I can. We are working on things for the mod community, but don't have to announce anything. We are constantly working on the editor, not only for the fans, but also for us. So it's constantly work in progress. We see the mods that are cool and so amazing and we do hear about the limitations and frustrations. We do listen to that and when it is possible we try to add this things to the editor.


Features like Waaagh!TV where you can just jump into a game and watch it?

BC: (smiling) That stuff is always on our internal wish-list, but it is always a matter of prioritizing: What can we do? How may resources do we have for this instance? So it is a matter of prioritizing which things first. We can say that the Market Place related stuff is really improving the custom game search. Players [will] being able to weight their new custom games, making that whole process of finding a good mod better. That's at or near the top of the list right now. Everything else is just kind of aligning after that.

JE: What's really awesome on Battle.net is that we don't have to wait for a product to come out to release the improvement. So if something doesn't get in with Heart of the Swarm, we don't have to wait until Legacy [of the Void] to ship it.


In StarCraft II the observation system with the stats and everything was a huge enhancement compared to your previous games. Can we expect further eSport enhancements for the community in Heart of the Swarm? For example the ability to watch you replay together with many other people is missing or the ability to follow a competition like it used to be with Waaagh!TV.

JE: We will not tell you about that until BlizzCon, like new features for eSports or things like that.

BC: It's kind of a similar question like what we talked about earlier: All of those things, they are on the list of things that we want to do. It's just a matter of prioritizing. Just because we have an expansion doesn't mean this is the only chance we have to cram these things in. We patched in a lot of improvements to Battle.Net and we added the chat rooms, we had some new content with the custom maps. So those kind of features can come in between releases and then post. So I think there is many more room to add some of those. At the top of the list right now is improving the custom game experience.

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