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StarCraft 2 now has a demo version available. Invite your friends to play
StarCraft 2 has won the Gamespot Best Implementation of User Generated Contents 2010 . Several maps from mapster were introduced. Check out the video below
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the guy who said "user friendly" must have only ever looked at the terrain aspect, and then assumed the rest of it was just as simple.
they're right though, sc2 is the best game for mods.
I love how they said User Friendly :P I guess all the basic stuff is.
If you want to make a melee map it is simple :D
I lol'd also... "User friendly" :P.
"User friendly Editor"? LIE!
could of they used some music with the sc2 editor >.< i mean it looks gayer than Planet Minigolf ( lol i didn't even know there was a game called that :P )
And nothing for Bibendus with his 3 seconds of Crush Company? :D
BTW why the fuck did they use the stupid wacky race map?
I liked that user friendly part.
It took chuck norris a while to figure out the data editor. D:
"Surprisingly user friendly" BAHAHA! Right... Stuff like data editing is a shit-fest. Grats to progammer.
BudSMoken: redmarine said "the maps aren't unless" not "the maps aren't useless"
The maps aren't useless?
Oh did we forget to mention it won uhhh you know....... Best Strategy Game of the Year??
Surely the Galaxy Editor is he best among them but hell, the maps aren't unless you are a celebrity or got some sort of advertiser behind you.
EDIT: Congratulations Progammer.
userfriendly??? He said userfriendly??? omfg!
Agree with that, editor is useless without a way to distribute your map to players. But on the other hand, in that competition....
I would hardly give SC2 credit for customs until they get their arses in gear over the whole bnet 0.2 thing...
But if it's about the editor, then I agree. Best implementation. :)
First !
chesscraft ftw