Diablo: The Curse of Tristram & Input Script

The Starcraft Facebook Page has just recently hit the 1 million 'Like' mark. In return, Blizzard created a pretty cool SC2 wallpaper. For those interested, check out the announcement. Also, just in case anyone missed it, a bunch of Map Debugging Commands for use when Testing your map.

Diablo: The Curse of Tristram RPG by egodbout

This is one of the very few Diablo Maps i've seen on SC2 (aside from Skittles map, Diabolical Hero Siege). It isn't a recreation of D1 or D2, but it's a combination of the two. You play as the Diablo II classes (minus the Druid) through the town of Tristram. The first quest brings us to the very famous Tristram Cathedral, just as we did in Diablo I. The map includes the D2 party system, drop system, highlighting of loot on the ground similar to D2, and much more. I recommend checking out the video.

By the way, if anyone is interested in Diablo, we also have a Diablo Fansite (DiabloFans), so feel free to drop by. You can use your SC2Mapster account to login!

Input by JademusSreg

Well, this script is pretty self-explanatory, but I thought Jade did a really nice job with it, and I know it'll be useful for plenty of people... This script will catch and store player input from the keyboard and mouse in a struct array. Keys and buttons are records as bool states, while mouse clicks and movement are kept as int and fixed values for the UI and World respectively. The user may configure the DETECT bool constants to set which triggers will be created on initialization of the script. For example:

  • To get the state of the X key, you would use: playerInput[p].key.state[c_keyX]
  • To get the point of the cursor, you could: Point(playerInput[p].mouse.x,playerInput[p].mouse.y)


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