The Depot Life

The Depot Life by IggNight

Remember the Starcraft: Supply Depot game Blizzard did for the April Fools 2012 joke? IggNight decided to recreate the game in the sense that he understood it. A game where you can make the difference as a supply depot. Marines keep you alive but you don't control them. You just keep them safe with depots. Marines and SCVs come in from all four sides. You have to lower the Supply Depot to let the marines in then quickly close it to stop the Zerg from getting in.

You can upgrade the supply depots up to level 4 and build more depots. The Marines will also upgrade when you get enough of them to safety. Zerglings, Banelings, and Roaches will attack your base and these also have another stronger version to attack you in the later rounds. There are 17 rounds to survive.



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