Monobattles and Polar Shift

Blizzard's latest custom map spotlight has arrived. The latest two maps are Monobattles and Polar Shift.

Bx Monobattles- Sand Canyon by Weilhart

You've all probably heard of Day[9]'s monobattles. For those who haven't, the game requires each player to choose 1 (and only 1) unit to use throughout the entire game. To achieve victory, players will need to work with thier teammates to create the perfect composition in this fun variation on Melee play.

Polar Shift by Astin Azar

Can you survive this challenging hazard bonanza? Players will have to try and stay on the path, dodge tricky obstacles, and avoid deadly traps- all while the screen shifts around them!

If you haven't played these maps yet, make sure to give them a try! If you're in the US, you can find them in the featured maps tab of starcraft 2.



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