Half of the CurseForge team is headed to Pax South Jan 22-26th. During this time approvals may take slightly longer than normal, especially during the 10pm to 10am shift (CST). We will still be checking the queues and approving files, but we will be away from our computers with only hotel internet to rely on, so delays may occur. If you are going to be at Pax South, come find us and say hi. Or RSVP for the CurseForge Dinner.
@dino14: Go
You can't download it. But you can build it using buildtools
BuildTools Wiki Page
Note that you have to run "java -jar BuildTools.jar" in the git bash which can be downloaded here
Help,where I can dowload CraftBucket 1.8.8 ?
lightning tree savor
hi i am new can we be friends