Forum Restructure, Aura, Planetary Boss, Chess

Forum Restructure

Mapster is growing and the forums were too compact for all the activity. We decided to expand our forums to give you more space to talk :)

NOTE: This means that some links to the forums that were moved/renamed will be invalid.

Warcraft III Aura by shaftm

helwet asked on the forums if that was possible to simulate the Warcraft III visual auras and shaftm implemented it! It is extremly easy using the actors. I'm pretty sure you will like it.

Planetary Boss Hunt by Bounty_98

The map Planetary Boss Hunt is now in beta phase. You should test it out as it's a clever use of third person camera with a nice fighter gameplay. It contains many bosses with a different technique to defeat them each time.

ChessCraft by progammer

Want to play Chess but you can't find any cool one. You will likely like this implementation in Starcraft 2 by progammer. All rules have been implemented and you've got a nice UI for the user interaction.



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