Light Times Night

For any League of Legends fans out there, check out the Curse Invitational, a LoL tournament in collaboration with our new LoL site,

Light Times Night by revans101

LTN is a highly cinematic single player experience featuring the heroine Light, an overwhelmingly powerful psionic who is part of a group known publically as "The Resistance". Set in a different universe than Starcraft altogether, LTN is an episodic series of single player games with each episode taking approximately 90 minutes to complete.

In addition to a slew of customized cinematics, art, UI, and voice acting, the way abilities are used will have a different feel compared to most custom games on Startcraft 2. As the story progresses, players gain powers like short duration stealth, speed weapons, and eventually will have limited control over time itself, being able to slow down time for everything except the player, stop time, or even reverse it.



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