Don't hack! Blizzard is cracking down.
Patch 1.3.3 PTR
Blizzard has updated the PTR patch notes for 1.3.3 this afternoon. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like there are any changes for the Editor whatsoever, though this isn't a huge patch, so... Do not fret!
- Archons are now a massive unit.
- Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5.
- Cybernetics Core
- Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180.
- Gateway
- Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37.
- Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37.
- Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33.
- Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged.
- Ghost
- Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100.
- Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.
- Spore Crawler
- Root time decreased from 12 to 6.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location.
- Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other.
Archons are now a massive unit..?
sweet! double proxy gate is back baby!
Terran look out there gonna be some zealots knocking on your door. well unless you scout and I just instantly lose.
this is really good for PvP which in my opinion was ruined when they nerfed the zealot gateway build time in the first place. there was no longer any reason to build early zealots and it was impossible to put the type of early pressure that slows down four gate. two early zealots can cause havoc againt one stalker.
No one will use warpgates anymore... lol at that how long does it take to walk from one end of the map to the other? i dont mind these patches, hope they buff dem lingoos =P
I was like "O my GAWD"
After looking at the forum, apparently this is good for protoss Oo
I think Warp Gate will be seen as what it should be, an upgrade, not a mandatory item to research immediately. I think Blizzard felt Warp Gate was so powerful that it became mandatory for Protoss to research, now it'll be an upgrade that can be researched to be able to have better troop placement, etc.
Warp Gate will still get researched, but probably not until later in a game when you've got more expos to defend, etc.
@Keyeszx: Go
I know, right? Protoss is an alien race, they are supposed to be OP :)
Why does blizzard hate protoss?
ouch spores cut down to 6 seconds, this gonna hurt my banshee opening on zerg...
Yet another kick in the balls to protoss.
this is for PTR! they might not implement it.
btw pylon radius was reduced because you could warp units on ramp, if you opponent uses his force field noobly, which is retarded for just this reduce its range...
Pylon is awful... Before you could place your first pylon a bit further behind and wall off with 3 large structures to prevent rushes, now you're fucked.
2gates will become popular again due to faster zealot build times
I dont mind salvage, but i think it would've been better if they returned cost equal to remaining health... Up to now repairing a bunker was a waste of minerals since you could just get everything back and build a new one at full health.
What the fuck is wrong with Blizzard? this patch SUCKS. Pylon radius will break protoss game, making you lose time waiting for the newer pylons to spawn before you can place the new buildings. It's just terrible.
And yes, no one will ever use warpgates again. Spam chrono boost and you'll have a bigger army earlier, with the advantage of queuing units and just applying chrono boost when you remember.
Thanks god it's just PTR and not final. Gateways times might work, but pylon is awful.
Ouch. Bunker's salvage. This is huge :(
lol at "nobody will use warpgates anymore". It's like saying "no zerg will use queens anymore".
think the pylon radius will change a lot :(
These patch notes are just awfull. Nobody will use warp gate anymore.