The Hundred by iWaNN
You have one hundred civilians and each civilian can control 1 unit (units as suits). Each civilian can receive levels and learn special sertificates in the Command Center to control most powerful units, like Vulture, Siege Tanks etc. (on start they can control SCV, Marine and Medic suit).
This map also contains an FPS / TPS / RPG / RTS Mod, so you can create a Hero Unit from one of these civilians and upgrade him with special RPG system. You can look at this system in the video below. Of course, you can also control him with FPS / TPS mode.
Whatever happened to this? This looks really cool, yet it seems I missed the party, I checked both America and Europe and couldn't find any trace of this. It looks so cool though... I did like that District 10 mod you mentioned, but I'd prefer this due to the awesome equipable Civis.
@caparosmith: Go Aah this :D My FPS/TPS Mod supports this type of gameplay. This gameplay first, why I do FPS/TPS mod. But not in this map "The Hundred" :D
Look for District 10 [ FPS TPS RPG RTS ] on EU This is my another map with FPS TPS RPG RTS Mod. This is standard melee map 4 vs. 4 AI and 2 players on the each side (4 users total). Players can control range combat units of his allies-AI with FPS/TPS mode and upgrade them with RPG system.
When you say P v P mode, does that include a situation where, instead of co-op v AI, you have 2 teams and players are split between the 2 teams and they have to help their computer ally win? (I'm assuming the computer controls the base management, the unit creation, and the sending of attack waves)
@caparosmith: Go This map designed fo Co-op vs. AI.
FPS/TPS/RPG/RTS system works for PvP too. If your friends and you want, you can play deathmatch 2 Heroes vs. 2 Heroes or FFA in this map "The Hundred" :D Map supports multiplayer game up for 4 players and each of them can control Hero in FPS/TPS mode.
Is this only co-op v Ai? Is there a player v player mode or a free for all mode?
now that made my day lol wow dude that is freaking awesome.
michaelknives - look at the both videos - multiplayer works fine. And worked fine :D On those videos we playing with two my friends on EU
New gameplay video of the StarCraft 2 Custom map - The Hundred with FPS / TPS / RPG / RTS Mod.
Players 2 and 3 playing with FPS/TPS direct control of their hero's units. Player 1 playing in RTS mode (this video from Player 1).
It will never work on battlenet as a multiplayer game :D but it is pretty sick. Save the map release for the blizzard shop so you can make some cash selling this game for download
@Keyeszx: Go
iWaNNt *
Just corrected your spelling mistake.
Looks amazing btw
Thanks :D On Sunday I will release gameplay video of the beta version of this map.
Awesome. Nothing more to say.
Omfg that's pretty goddamn awesome o_o.