Starmap, Item Kit, Critters, OSU

Today is a big day, we just hit the 1000 Maps. I would like to thank you all for your awesome creations and tell you that I am, together with Sixen, proud of being part of this great community.

Starmap by acidragoon

In the latest patch, four starmap models were added to the game. The related triggers are still not working but we can already have an overview of what it is going to look like thanks to acidragoon. He did not use the model camera so it's not exactly the good view but you get a pretty good idea.

Items Kit by Phaos

At the moment, making items is a tedious process. The Data part is not trivial and it gets even more complicated when it comes to the actual look of the item in the floor. Hopefully Phaos is working on model kits to make life easier. You will get ready to use many armors, weapons and various items that looks great on the floor or attached to units!

New Critters

8 new critters have been added to the game with the latest patch. Here's a listing of those if you don't want to bother looking at them in the editor.

OSU by Hayate21

I did not know the game OSU, it looks like to be a korean APM training where you have to click as fast as possible on various stars at the screen. Even if the gameplay does not look too fun, it is interesting to know that the Galaxy Editor allows us to make interesting 2D games.



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