Night of the Dead Updates

At the ActivisionBlizzard Analyst Day Webcast, Mike Morhaime announced that the Map Marketplace would be coming with HotS, and that Blizzard DotA would be a new game mode in HotS as well... He said game mode, not map or mod. This means that we'll be able to "quick join" Blizzard DotA matches on a Ladder, exactly like how we do in Melee. Seems like a great idea... Automated Matchmaking system, ladder, etc for Blizzard DotA.

Night of the Dead by Ability1

Night of the Dead has received a major update just recently and is slated for some even bigger ones once the Heart of the Swarm is released by Blizzard. For those of you that don't know what NotD is, you can check out all previous videos/trailers released by Ability1 over the last year or so in his thread. Essentially, NotD is an 8-player co-op survival game, so think: Call of Duty Nazi Zombies, or Gear of Wars' Horde Mode.



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