HuskyStarcraft, Documentation, Space Shooter

HuskyStarcraft Review by Husky

Husky has a youtube channel where he comments various Starcraft II matches. He decided to go over custom maps and chose two of them: Supply Depot Tetris by ArcadeRenegade and Mar Sara Outlaws by johnfloyd. He is really entertaining to listen and I hope you like it.

Documentation by Statcomm

You might have seen the API Docs link at the top of the website. This is a wiki where you can document (and read!) various things about the editor. There are a lot of infos there but all are from the time when there was no Galaxy Editor. Statcomm recently started as project to make a rough presentation of every aspect of the editor.

If you have some free time and want to help documenting parts of the editors you like (it can be just one article!), you can help us on the forums. Thanks!

Space Shooter Sim 3D by WallArcher

Today I would like to feature a space shooter simulator made by WallArcher. You are able to play a Star Fighter and attack the Death Star (hmm ... maybe in few weeks!). This demo is pretty well done and shows one more time the endless possibilities of the Galaxy Editor!



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