SpellStorm by Kafoso
Spellstorm is an Arena type map where two teams of wizards must battle each other, obliterating any opposing forces by conjuring powerful, deadly magic. The basic spell system is based on Magicka. With over 72 spell combinations and 24 special spells, the game has tons of unique spells to be be discovered by the players.
As of 2011-10-08 the map is in the Beta stage and only available in the EU region. It will be available in the US region soon!
You can check out the project thread here.
This is a cool map. Its nice to see sth that has nothing to do with space marienes and zerg. I realy like the spellcombinations and the mystic look. It sure was a lot of work.
The map is fun and thats important isnt it?
Thinks id like u to change: The terran music kinda doesnt fit with the cool mystic style. (better change to protoss music i think that fits more) The rotation of the beam skills could be a bit faster.
Great map all in all. There is a lack of maps like that. I hope it gets the popularity it deserves.
I can't imagine this playing smoothly on BNET nonetheless good job.
Wow, awesome looking map. Wish it was at US server too to try out.
Pretty slick lookin'. Don't see many maps that really modify the game to make it look like somethin else entirely.
@mnadeau1992: Go
Globes are easy to do. You first make the full globe graphic, then you manipulate dialog elements so that it cuts off the globe image from the top.
Very sad that it's not also available on NA. Looks awesome!
Looks promising. I hope the UI looks less crowded on higher resolutions, though.
why are all the maps i wanna play always in EU?
great map though, only thing i don't get is why the wizard hats float over their heads and aren't attached to the model at all XD
only thing i can ask for is you get this to the US servers.... great interface by the way
Well... May I ask you how you made this health/mana globes? The interface is amazing. Great artwork.
Looks great Kafoso! Nice job. Can't wait to play it. :D
So basically, this map is a clone of the Magicka gameplay? I don't see what the SC2 engine could bring to a Magicka-like game/map. This map just looks like a melting pot of the Magicka spells with a Diablo-style UI, and WoW models... It obviously involves a lot of work and I can respect that... But I just don't see the point of these kind of projects, sorry. It's pure plagiarism and not original at all, if you ask me. At least, make the effort of adding ideas/features of your own. I think I'll stick to Magicka even though it's loaded with bugs.
Ye man, EU here, we need a better bridge over the sea!
looks nice! going to try it!
Disappointed that this isnt on NA yet. Fun stuff. The caption after 'Wizards' shoulda read "Yea.. I said WIZARDS!"