Check out dApollo's in-depth analysis of the new Season 6 Maps.
Squad Support DeP by DeProgrammer
One player (the base commander) builds and expands melee-style while the other players (up to 7 total) support/defend him with a few units each in order to defeat a large Zerg group. Available squads include Defense, Support, Tanker, Stealth, Artillery, Infantry, and Versatility. There are three maps (unique but with the same squad selection) available for download and published in North America.
Hey, Digital-Storm, thanks for your constructive criticism.
Can't believe nobody likes classical music anymore. :P
They're not supposed to be "heroes", per se, just above-average squad units. There are upgrades at the store which tend to really increase your units' usefulness. The squad showcased in the video only has one ability, but Defense has about 6 (mostly construction) and Support has about 6, too. Part of the fun in the game is searching for the hidden terrazine (aka. money for the store) canisters all over the map. I kind of threw the video together in a hurry.
lol i had to mute the video before it became bpossible to watch :P no game comment other than hero lvl ups, shops, abilities, and more are needed ;P
it looks cool but i think you need more abilities for the heroes
@xxxNEARBYxxx: Go
And the map looked good before the music? This map looks like an udder waste of time.
bad music in video makes map so bad