THE Card Game by Clord
THE Card Game is the map with a tons of different cards and tactics. No two matches play an exactly same as this map gives edge for players who counter smartly. As you've probably noticed, this project is a visual representation of a playing card game, within the world of StarCraft.
Give Sixen a break. He's done more for you all than you could possibly know. I don't see you doing anything as awesome as this site. When you have a site better than this, then you have a right to criticize but I bet you wouldn't because you would understand and respect the huge effort he has made to give you access to such a community.
I actually appreciate the fact that Sixen put this up on the front page. This is one of my all-time favourite SC2 custom games, and I play it at least once a week with friends.
It's extremely underrated
Sixen you should news that new map, Fastest map possible. It deserves more attention!
wtf?! what's next now? Debates news?
This is one of the first custom maps I ever played >.>
really sixen?
just change news to history of starcraft