Shape War TD

This past week, Blizzard decided to launch a new spotlight series for custom maps on the SC2 engine, alongside the usual Arcade Spotlight, this is the Arcade Workshop. The idea behind this series is to showcase projects that have potential, but are still in need of further TLC. You can think of this as an "early preview spotlight," in a sense, as most times you'll want to help beta test the games that are shown here.

Shape War TD by Talon


For our first workshop, we’re looking at a game that originated on the European server: Shape War TD. The first time we looked at the game, we were amazed by its completely unique look. Aside from just a few StarCraft II elements, you would never know it was created using the same engine. We also liked how you could quickly check up on your opponents with a single click to see how they were doing without having to scroll around a large map.

Aside from the small excerpt from Blizzard above, the game is designed to be a "pretty straightforward acrade game," says the author, in that it is a very simple PvP-styled Tower Defense. In total, there are just a few towers with basic tower concepts and also just a few enemy types, in addition to 70 waves of enemies that you will likely never survive to see.



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