Popularity Boost, 1 Phoenix, 4 Requests

Teaser: Tomorrow you should have a neat surprise, stay tuned :)

Popularity Boost by xenrathe

xenrate discovered that it was possible to artificially boost any map to the top of the Battle.net list. The process is really easy:

  • Create a game with your map
  • Open it to the public
  • Quit and Repeat

Every time you do it, your map counter gets 1 played. This is not a good solution but it is virtually the only way to get your map off the bottom of the listing. My only advice is to use it wisely to promote your map, try not to abuse the system :)

1 Phoenix vs 200 Mutalisk by rrowland

You've probably seen the by HuskyStarcraft. Here rrowland made a better one: 1 Phoenix vs 200 Mutalisk, and ... guess who won ... the Phoenix of course :) Custom AI can sometime be really impressive!

Tutorial: 4 Requests by Beider

Beider decided to go over the Tutorial Request Thread and make a video explaining 4 of them. That's really nice of him! I hope you will enjoy the program.

  • Adding a weapon to a caster
  • Removing requirement from upgrades
  • Removing requirement from skills
  • Adding shield to Marine


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