Creature Vote, Planets, Multitask, SCT

Bad news, the client files are encrypted. Someone managed to take a screenshot from the installer post-blocking message but I highly doubt he got the files installed. If you know more, please send me a PM :)

Also, the size limit for synchronized .sc2banks on is now 4000 bytes (it was way higher during phase 1). Found by WhiskeeGX.

Creature Contest Vote

The Creature Contest is finally over and we've got 10 great submissions.

>> Vote Now! <<

Planet Package by Corbo

Hookah posted a request for planets on the forums and Corbo was nice enough to make a sphere model with 75 textures that looks like planet. If you are going to make a map in the space you will probably want to use some of them :)

Multitasking Trainer by stettcl

Here's a pretty cool map if you are eager to improve your skills. You need to manage your base, defend incoming attacks, keep your minerals low, rescue a neutral unit and defeat your opponent all while microing a probe that is constantly being chased by a zergling.

  • Race selection: You are able to select the race that you want to play in the start of the game. There is currently a problem with having the UI that matches the race selected. You can read more about it in the Known Issues section.
  • Difficulty Selection: You can choose between five difficulty settings, each having a different time and mineral limit, amount of hits the probe can take before dying and attack waves that are sent from the opponent. You can also create your own custom difficulty setting.
  • Coach Mode: As of v0.94 a new feature has been added: Coach Mode displays a notification every time you are not building workers out of your main building (until a set amount of workers) if you play as Terran or Protoss, or if you have idle larva and Creep Tumors if you play as Zerg. I hope this will help played keep their macro consistent while practicing.

Scrolling Combat Text by xD.Schurke

If you played World of Warcraft I am pretty sure you used the SCT (Scrolling Combat Text) addon that displays all the incoming damages, heals ... xD.Schurke from the HiveWorkshop decided to recode it as a Galaxy library.



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