SC2Replayed, Game Listing, WTE, SC2Movie, Fan Arts

If you want your map to be promoted on the front-page, just make a youtube video of it and post it inside the Project Workplace forum. It will take you roughly one hour and everyone will enjoy it :)

Blizzcon Custom Game Listing

If you are US and have constructive feedbacks about the new Custom Map Listing, Blizzard created a post for it.

I also just found out this screenshot of the Custom Game Listing during the Blizzcon. I thought you'd be interested :)

Weekly Terraining Exercise by Mozared

The Weekly Terraining Exercise (WTE from henceforth) is a weekly thread, in which we can... exercise our terraining! The thread will have a single 'theme', and it's up to you to make a terrain around that theme and submit your result within a week, when the next exercise goes up. Whether you're a complete newbie or a Bob Rossian veteran, you can participate. We can all learn from eachother, show off our work and live happily ever after.

This week theme is Dawn of a new era.

CardCraft by BeLugh

I have recently played a lot of custom maps on the EU and I was really impressed by CardCraft, the map is a complete game with a unique interface made through dialogs. It is kinda confusing at first but when you understand how it works it is really fun to play :) by Vjeux

I've been working on the website sc2movie for some time now and i'm pretty happy to release it. The goal of the website is to regroup in one place all the videos about the mapping. And the best thing is that anyone can add a video, you just have to provide the youtube link :) I hope you like it.

Fan Arts

Two Starcraft new fan arts have been added to the Blizzard section.



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