Hive Keeper by Bibendus
To all you fans of Dungeon Keeper, wait no more. If you remembered the concept demo done by redmarine, Bibendus has taken the work and develop the map. It's looking good so far. Take a look at some of his features in this development diary.
Thanks for all the info you gave me :)
i'm about to download the original game, i want to try it out !
It's better if you make these kind of questions inside the thread.
BTW yes I used a giant array of 128x128 structs that contain all tile informations (type, owner, selections, etc)
What uses up all the variable space? Are you storing a unit for every block on the map? Even with the game as it is. You could add in some marines and have an awesome game in itself, even without the other dungeon theme stuff your adding later I can imagine an awesome 3v3v3 map with no air units that would kick ass with this set up. Even if it was a basic starcraft ground battle map. lol
Because of u i installed Dungeon Keeper 2 again and get pissed of by the crashes cause the game dont run good on systems higher than Win98/ME.
Play it, there are Downloads for free, they all say its legal, cause the game usually dont run on XP/Vista/Win7. Need some little adjustments to play.
Efficiency and variables size limit, sorry ;)
BTW 4 are enough for this kind of game, believe me!
Oh come on man. If your going to put all that work into it, at least make it 8 players.
4 players becomes boring real quick especially if someone drops.
Selfcreation watch carefully the video because I showed that's already possible to grab/drop units and to slap them :D
Chickens will be feederlings, the little wormy creatures that you can find in the campaign mission in the queen lair.
its a 1v1 or 1v1v1v1 tyupe game
you make a dungeon and ur enemys 2 , point of the game is to take over or kill the Enemy main base ( in this case the HIVE )
u need to build a room for ur minions to EAT , a room for torture , a room for them to sleep , ur minions ( that attack ) spawn from the hive automaticly every X time depending on how many chambers u have ( or sleeping areas, size of library ect...)
you can make MAGE minions buy building a library , things like that , and u can evan get heros. or dungoen masters. ( look like the devil , lol )
, u can get cash when u break walls with Minireals in them. and u deposite your cash in a TRESURE room ( that u need to build ) ,
u can evan build TRAPS for when the enemy breaks ur walls and starts attacking , ( spikes in the flore , flame trowers , BIG BOLDERS that roll down hall wayz , doors , w\e..... )
its a really complex style strategy game , kinda like SC2
I never played this game, what is the goal ? Making a never-ending dungeon ? lol
But Bibendus did an awsome work with the AI and tiles.
this is AWSOME!!!! i recently got the game at a future shop for 5$ !! lol good old times i love it.
now u need to figuer out how to pick up units to drop them in torture rooms , or a SLAP option on your mouse pointer !! LOL SLAP THEM DRONES!!!
and is it gona be little CHIKENS that ur Minions are gona eat?? lol man i love this game
@ParadOxymoron, try to look up Dungeon Keeper on youtube. It's a really amazing game and it really has the Dungeon feeling in it. You can design your own Dungeons, attract the creatures you want and show your opponents who's the boss.
I don't really know how to explain it properly without typing too much. You should try it out and you will love it!
ParadOxymoron this is part of a bigger game, if you never played Dungeon Keeper you can't understand why the digging system is so fun. Not alone obviously but as part of the whole game.
For testing purposes drones are free but in real game they cost an increasing exponential amount of mana so there is a relative limit amount of workers you can have. Additionally each worker consumes mana over time so it's up to you the choice on how many workers you want.
The terrain is converted so you can build rooms on it, you can't build on unclaimed terrain.
I suggest you to take a look on some dungeon keeper real videos so you can understand better how that works ;)
Is there seriously no limit to the amount of drones you can make, or is the map just still in the testing phase? Because why then wouldn't players just click until they had a million drones, then watched the AI do the work for them? Why do they have to convert the ground when they've already cleared the rock? I feel like you're just showing off your terraining skills so that we can watch your AI do more stuff, when watching a bunch of drones glop around converting brown tiles to gray tiles... automatically... when the only real thing it's doing is making them take more time to clear the walls... doesn't strike me as that much fun.
But it's amazing that you were able to do that! I just want your map to be fun and accessible, too, when it's done.
Imo this is the nicest map in progress i heard about! Pls make it Imba nice! I <3 DungonKeeper and ur map looks as funny as the original!
gj so far and gl for the ongoing work!
The video was great. The map looks great. You seem to really know your stuff. Im interested mostly in how you plan to approach the rooms. Do you have knoweledge in modeling? So that you can make a chicken coop and bookshelves?
Regardless this will be a fun play.
I always loved to have alot of Mistresses in my Dungeons, they are cheap and strong! And they don't mind a slap to work a little harder!
kerrigan vampires :D
Can't wait to get some Kerrigan Mistress' in my Dungeon!
Bibendus, sounds like fun. Good luck with the project mate.
EDIT: Let me know if you're actually going to do it. I might want to throw some ideas around.
Yep and you'll be rememdered as a Hero from all HK players :D
Hey your name gives me an idea of making a marine with your name in the campaign :)