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    posted a message on Unable to publish to Americas region

    @Traysent: Go

    Just now it works(with only imports module open) , finally managed to publish on na but 2 hours ago it didnt work (first time managed to publish on na since patch 3.0). And when i patched on eu 4 hours ago, my laptop crashed the first time after screen going black and then flashing back for 30 times till it crashed completly. Second time it said map name was taken lol and third time after restarting editor again, closing down terrain and opening imports module (being the only module open) it worked.

    Also i sent u a pm, can u answer it pls? Its quite important for me and i guess other mapmakers also.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Custom Maps not working in SC2 Editor
    Quote from Traysent: Go

    We have a fix for this and it will be deployed in the patch we're releasing this week. Thanks for the reports!

    Do you know if the patch will contain actor fixes? Specifically action actors? This will save me and other people quite some work which we dont wanna do in vain. (switching the action actors to other types of actors and remaking them cause they dont work anymore).

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Funky's ArcadeUI Suggestions

    Yh its nice if u dont have alot of friends on sc2 and not many people talking to. But for eg my game community is very affected by this change cause it has alot of dedicated players playing inhouse games for years which doesnt happen in 95% of the maps in sc2 and everything was organized in the chat channel so new chat system is worse for arcade communities then first wol beta. Atm its so bad that we said fk it, we started using skype chat channel.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Heroes Editor

    @Renee2islga: Go

    I guess he wants full usable assets package and work straight on the hots game maps, triggers etc.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Funky's ArcadeUI Suggestions

    The new chat is complete trash in usability by an arcade game community. Have a game chat channel filled with 20-30 people + talking with 2 more people is impossible. All text is pink, very annoying to read and u cant have private comversations with people. It just gets lost in the huge wall of pink text. Text from chat cant be copied and most annoying, it kicks u out of the chat when u enter a game and cant join back unless u finnished game, like wtf cant they even make an option?

    However if u talk with 2 people max at the same time and not too many words its alright. So funny how blizz wants to make sc2 more social but makes it impossible to speak with more people. And so far 90% of the sc2 players ive had contact with said they hate the new chat alot.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 3.0 Map-Maker Troubleshooter Thread

    Thank you RPS, it worked.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 3.0 Map-Maker Troubleshooter Thread

    Pitfall: Behaviour abilities button never appears back. Before patch, when u cast the ability, the button dissapears and reapears after the behaviour or cd has ended.

    Solution: Set the ability flags to toggle

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Patch 3.0 Map-Maker Troubleshooter Thread

    So 1 month ago i switched the cliff type from omojan manmade to hybridlabxelnagacliff manmade. After this patch the cliff is umojan manmade and i cannot change it to any terrain by the replace function in map textures but its possible by making another cliff and then modelling it back but this will take a few hours for all the cliffs to copy exactly like before... Any ideas how to do this with replace? Or anyone else had this problems?

    Edit: got fixed after 5 editor restarts

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Trigger Editor changes in Void - General Overview

    The recconect feature is one of the most important things to be implemented or at least let others players not get affected by someones lag, current system is just ridiculous.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on How to hide AI Players in the Lobby?

    To fix the dargging around set the ai to be locked to team, also all of this stuff about lobbies and stuff before the game starts is in game variants and attributes.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Data Wizards in Void

    Editor being free is a joke cause u can't run the game locally also so its completly usless. Also RTC is ending on 28 of october and 13 days after lotv is launched so that means editor changes will be launched at the beggining of october? To give time to fix maps?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Urgent problem cannot place units on any map

    It's not the map itself but my editor, any map I open it shows the same.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Urgent problem cannot place units on any map

    @TheUltragon: Go

    I have the view ui the same way.

    Quote from Hockleberry: Go

    Upload and look at someone else's map and see if it resets your problem.

    I have had this happen to me in the past.

    U mean to upload on bnet and to open someone else map in the editor? I did both and it didn't solve the problem.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Urgent problem cannot place units on any map

    Yes. Its already a week since it happened.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Urgent problem cannot place units on any map

    Hello, out of a sudden i cannot see the units search tab from where u search and pick units to place on the map and it shows like this: http://imgur.com/mmsoyUo,PrvWTt3. I see only the Group part with all the units on the map. Even more weird is that doodas work perfectly http://imgur.com/mmsoyUo,PrvWTt3#1. I tried resseting to default everything and searched on forums but did't find anything.

    Posted in: General Chat
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