Perhaps all I need to do is change the direction of the model in blender
I suppose you want to keep the model to its default facing. The best method is to re-import and start a new Blender file. Try not to click the LMB or Left Mouse Button anywhere on the screen because doing so will set a new offset away from the model which makes it hard to rotate or animate. Use the mouse scroll to change the direction of your view or to zoom in or out. And click the RMB or Right Mouse Button to select the mesh in object mode or the bones in pose mode.
In any case, if you wish to rotate the model in Blender, right-click on it, press R then either Z (Z-axis), or Y (Y-axis), or X(X-axis) then specify the degrees of rotation in order to change the facing of the model.
To select the model in the cutscene editor, simply left-click the model that you have added. To view its model properties, right click on the model, then choose Model Data to view its bones, materials, animations etc. However, having said that, did you happen to delete parts of the model because otherwise, the materials and textures of the model will show, and not just a 'blackish' model or how should I put it as shown in your post as of the above.
Hi man, yeah I though it could be such a thing. But to have figured it out on your own is always the best. I've checked the new installment and that does look more like what one would expect. Nice.
In reply to sc2ggamer: