Sure thing, will try to get to this when I can. Probably be someone other than duckies this time, gonna see if I can find a co-op partner who doesn't mind doing voice too.
Hi, I can try to do a video for this if you are still interested. I saw that the monthly testing thread is for like May or something? I will assume you have enough feedback for now, unless you say otherwise.
Hi there, will try to get to this in the next week or so, chances are good my opponent will be even more noob at the game than me, but some interesting feedback will definitely be had. Sorry for the delay in reply :)
I finally decided to post about a map i've been working on for a long time : W4rpcraft. It is about conquering the battlefield, warping units and casting spells. The game is pvp oriented, has a dynamic gameplay and is kinda innovative (I tried to create something new that does not look like any other maps).
To keep your attention i even did a video :
This is my first video ever, be gentle, i know it sux :D