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    posted a message on Overlord speed bug

    I am having a very interesting problem. In some custom maps I released using a mod, overlords are being very annoying. When online and playing, overlords have the same speed as when upgraded right off the bat, but when I test the local file logged into the editor, their speed is normal. What the heck is my problem?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on A Silent Scream - Custom Campaign

    Looks super awesome! Can't wait until I feel comfortable enough with Xeyed to get dedicated to making a campaign for it.

    I always wanted some backstory on the Taldarim, whether canon or non-canon, they seem really interesting. Gotta be able to see characters come and go tho cause of the Chain of Ascension deal. A little oblivious as to why there are terran in the pic tho. How far in time is it going back?

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Want to see someone else play your Map/Mod?

    @Deadzergling: Go

    The flickering textures are caused by problems with SC2 models exported through Blenders M3 (StarCraft 2 model file) addon since the 3.0 patch. Unfortunately I never could get Cachos fix working so my models still have those problems.

    Also, sorry I couldn't make it, I got sidetracked pretty hard, hehe.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Want to see someone else play your Map/Mod?
    Quote from Deadzergling: Go

    @Supernova134: Go

    My timing might not be so good for that, I'm typically available around 11 PM PST or later on weekdays, and my weekends are hit or miss. Still, if you know what times you are typically available let me know, can try to work something out.

    I am homeschooled, so anytime pretty much works, since I'm on school break

    Quote from Deadzergling: Go

    That was the melee-esque new race map correct? There is likely no helping the likes of me at being good at melee, at all...

    That's what I'm for, haha.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Want to see someone else play your Map/Mod?

    Hey DeadZergling, might you be able to revisit the Xeyed game I am making? There is a new version of the map on the arcade called "[LotV Xeyed Version Beta] Xeyed Custom Race". Although the arcade map version you played is still up, it is outdated. A fair amount has changed since you last played, so I figured if your request bin is fairly empty, I might as well throw my map in. It would be nice if we could do it together so that if you have questions I can answer them and whatnot. If that will work, let me know around when I should expect you to start your play-through, so that I can arrange to be there.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Xeyed Custom Race

    I am currently working on patch 4.4 (Sorry guys, last I posted was when 4.1 was released), and want some help on some decisions I am making.

    In the current version, Xeyedlings will beat adepts in a cost equivalent fight (As well as the Stalker), the current changes I have on my plate for the xeyedling is a damage reduction of 2, from 10 to 8 damage, as well as a 5 hit-point buff for their health because they under-performed in a few other fights against small units such a the zergling.

    Scorpalisks seemed very strong in some fights, but some a too strong in areas they are not supposed to be designed for (Such as the Stalker), and the changes I am currently looking at are their damage beeing reduced to 10 from 12, but their damage against light targets remains at 15.

    The mendling I felt was a little tankier than it should be and is a back lines unit, I am currently reducing it's health to 100 from 125, and am also reducing the range of it's heal ability to 2 from 4, to require more careful initial positioning in enemy engagements.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on How would I make this ability?

    I want to make an ability for a unit in my custom race to have an ability that uses the creep tumor missile. I want it to deal damage and apply force to units it hits when it rises out of the ground. So while it is underground, it is doing nothing. I realize this may or may not be a complex operation. How exactly do I go about making this?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Protoss Vanquisher

    Nobody apparently. I have seen exact requests floating around for years. I would do it myself, but alas, I don't feel I would be able to do it very well, not to mention the problems with Blender and M3 not working very well together as of late.

    Posted in: Art Assets
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    posted a message on Modding/ Portfolio vs Education?

    @Alevice: Go

    Dat necro bump tho

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on I am having some extension mod problems...

    @MaskedImposter: Go

    Sounds like it could work, I will try and see what I can figure out.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on I am having some extension mod problems...

    @finiteturtles: Go

    The trouble is that I need custom map init triggers because I am making a custom race, and need a way create them at map initializion because you choose it in the lobby. I suppose if what you say is the case, I will need to just make make maps and publish them to B.net without the init triggers while having a mod that substitutes the map init triggers that includes the options for the custom race.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on I am having some extension mod problems...

    Hey guys, I am having a problem with a extension mod I want to publish to Battle.net. In order for my mod to work, it needs a melee initialization trigger, but when the mod is used on a melee map, it creates two main structures and and 24 workers. Is there a way to somehow make the extension mod override the maps triggers and only use it's own?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Xeyed Custom Race

    I released an update on the NEW map "[LotV Xeyed Version Beta] Xeyed Custom Race" on the arcade.

    The changes entail...

    Xeyed Version 4.1

           - Balance
                     - Spore Crawler
                             - Damage increased from 15 to 20
                             - Health reduced by 50
                             - Footprint size changed to 2x2 from 3x2
                     - Scavenger Nest
                             - Creep spread amount increased
                     - Assailant
                             - Damage per projectile reduced to 12 from 16
                             - 4 additional damage vs Light per projectile
                             - Cost increased to 175 minerals and 150 vespene
                     - Xeyepalythoan
                             - Ensnare removed
                             - New Ability: Frenzy
                                      - Targets a single friendly unit and increases attack speed
                                      - Cost: 25 energy
           - Bugs
                     - Prowler Explosives no longer detonates on air units
                     - Sunken Colonys no longer spread creep
                     - Removed the detection icon from the Sunken Colony
                     - Spitter can now be loaded into transports
    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Xeyed Custom Race

    BETA version released with the new unit Prowler, and the replacement unit for scourge the Assailant, I really need feedback to iron out bugs/fix balance issues.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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    posted a message on Xeyed Custom Race

    I have one new unit and I am replacing Scourge with a differant unit.

    New Unit: Prowler, lays buried mines which detonates on contact with enemies for something like 50 damage (30 splash). The mines cost 25 gas and have a sight range of 5, so like two or 3 in a path on a map will alert you to enemy forces passing by. The Prowler is the fastest xeyed land unit. It is made at the Biomass Hatchery, costs 150 mins/100 gas and requires a Casnosalisk Den to mutate.

    Replacement unit for Scourge: Assailant, anti-ground flyer with role similar to Banshee. Fires two projectiles dealing 16 damage each, firerate is about 20% less than that of a banshee, has a speed of 2.5 (Slightly slower than normal air units such as vikings/banshees), it is light and has 150 health. Costs 150 mins/125 gas and is made at Aerial Nest.

    Still need ideas for a second NEW (Replacements don't count) unit.

    Posted in: Map Feedback
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