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    posted a message on Terran Macro Map

    Hi everyone! I've been thinking about a Terran Macro Map that embraces the Campaign Terran Macro style. In this map you will be defending against the Protoss in a epic long 30+ minute battle. The structure of the map will force you to build up the entire Terran arsenal and defend several key points. My logic with this map is to have Terran to wall in and bunker down siege up and defend similar to other Terran survival maps. However the game will not stop there this is the Protoss and they are watching your every move. It will be up to the Terran Hero Jim Raynor to defend these key points.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Solved] Multiple Region Triggers Reduced into One

    I finally got this unit construction progress event trigger to work as desired with the Nexus. Triggering progress unit is what allowed the Nexus to be recognize by the trigger.

    Nexus Switch #2
            Unit - Any Unit construction progress is Completed
        Local Variables
            (Unit type of (Triggering progress unit)) == Nexus
            Unit Group - Add (Triggering progress unit) to Nexus Group
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 001 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus Region 001) == True
                    ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 002 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus Region 002) == True
                    ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 003 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus Region 003) == True
                    ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 004 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus Region 004) == True
                    ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 005 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus Region 005) == True
                    ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 006 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus Region 006) == True
                    Main Action
    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Multiple Region Triggers Reduced into One

    @BasharTeg: Go

    Thanks!! Very simple indeed. I'll see what I can make happen.

    @SoulTaker916: Go

    My Question Is

    How would you combined multiple regions events with a certain unit: (nexus) into one trigger and make it run only once to for the desired action to take place?

    Next Question is

    How would you get the one trigger to run when the Final Nexus is finished it's construction process inside the region?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Solved] Multiple Region Triggers Reduced into One

    After some refinement to the trigger In the Above Post. I got this trigger to work in a particular way. This one works by using the probe to attack the nexus to trigger the main action. I thought the Unit Construction Progress trigger would do the Job but that event does nothing.

    • Nexus Switch


    Unit - Any Unit is attacked with Any Weapon

    Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 001

    Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 002

    Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 003


    (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1

    (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Nexus


    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


    ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 001 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus 001) == True

    ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 002 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus 002) == True

    ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 003 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus 003) == True


    Main Actions


    Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to Nexus Group

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved] Multiple Region Triggers Reduced into One

    I got this trigger to work as intended but very it is sketchy because it works of the Third Nexus base being built in the Correct Region...

    Nexus Switch

    Events: Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 001 Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 002 Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 003

    Conditions: (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1 (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Nexus

    Actions: General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions) If ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 001 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus 001) == True ((Closest unit to Nexus Point 002 in Nexus Group) is in Nexus 002) == True Then Main Action Else Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to Nexus Group

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Solved] Multiple Region Triggers Reduced into One

    I've been working on a Triggers that will work with 3 regions and a Key unit the Nexus that must be built in the 3 regions for the Main Action to take place. My goal is to have one trigger that is capable of recognizing when there is a Nexus in each Desired Region to do the desired Action.

    • Nexus 001(Switch)

    Events: Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 001

    Conditions: (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1 (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Nexus

    Actions: Trigger - Turn Nexus 002(Switch) On

    • Nexus 002(Switch)

    Events: Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 002

    Conditions: (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1 (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Nexus

    Actions: Trigger - Turn Nexus 003(Switch) On

    • Nexus 003(Switch)

    Events: Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 003

    Conditions: (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1 (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Nexus (Nexus 003(Switch) is on) == True

    Actions: Main Action

    My first set of triggers above worked as a staircase. Where each trigger Must be Completed in order for the Main action to happen. Because the Triggering Unit is a Structure (Nexus) the only way for it to enter the region is for the Nexus to be built in the region and for it to leave the region it must be destroyed. Now this is where things start to fall apart for the Structure as opposed to a Movable Unit that is capable of moving in and out of the Region. When a Nexus is built inside the Region before the trigger is set to ON. The trigger will not function when the trigger is set to ON. Because the Nexus never truly enters the region to trigger the event.

    The triggers down below Is what I've been working with now with no success.

    • Nexus Group

    Events: Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 001 Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 002 Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 003

    Conditions: (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1 (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Nexus

    Actions: Unit Group - Add (Triggering unit) to Nexus Group

    • Nexus Switch

    Events: Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 001 Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 002 Unit - Any Unit Enters Nexus 003

    Conditions: (Owner of (Triggering unit)) == 1 (Unit type of (Triggering unit)) == Nexus ((Unit 1 from Nexus Group) is in Nexus 001) == True ((Unit 1 from Nexus Group) is in Nexus 002) == True ((Unit 1 from Nexus Group) is in Nexus 003) == True

    Actions: Main Action

    Posted in: Triggers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Text] Progressive Button Text

    HI Everyone. I want to share this Text key I created for chrono boost that changes the percentage to show how fast at which the structure is accelerated when a upgrade is done to the chrono boost. Normally the descriptive text on chrono boost is "50% faster for 20 seconds" and when a upgrade is made to this text remains the same. So in order to keep everything true in the chrono boost description. I had to make this equation to show the new percentage the upgrade made in the description.

    Text: Places target structure in a Chrono Boost, causing it to operate <n/><d ref=" (((20 * Behavior,TimeWarpProduction,Modification.TimeScale) - 20) * 5)"/>% faster for 20 seconds.

    Notice the Phase Time Warp Production. That is the ID Name for Chrono Boost in the Behaviors tab.

    This is how it appears in game..

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Unit Type Variable bug...

    Hi, I find it amazing that I can make a {unit} variable and put it in a unit enters/leaves region event trigger then go back to the {unit} variable and switch the {unit} variable to {unit type} variable and establish a value that links it to a game unit. Then Go back to the trigger and the {unit type} variable is still in the event but the {unit type} variable is not a variable for the trigger and the trigger works as desired.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on The Thread of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

    Gravity is just a theory. Science has given multiple names to the true force that is at work just like how your ancestors perceived the transition from water to ice they thought some divine process had took place and never paying attentions to underlying work of temperature. Just like in electricity, temperature had developed a important role in how electricity will function as understanding of electricity progressed. Because the earth is spinning around that spin makes earth more massive than if it was still. The sun is spinning too and so is the milky way and the universe as well. The theory of "gravity" has put a governing from of control to keep everything from spinning out of control. Magnets are like springs giving compression and expansion forces and the earth is a spinning magnet not a strong magnet but is the reason why we have a moon. Our moons orbit was originally around the sun just like all the other planets. During this time the moon had a molten magnetic core and also was a slow mover because of the orbit between mars and earth and every time they went in to planetary alignment, the moon slowed until was one with the magnetic field around the earth. Because of the earth was faster moving relative to the moon speed, earth was able to keep its distance from the moon to prevent a catastrophic collision. This is the ultimate reason why there is a asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. This force was understood by this man Edward Leedskalnin and is ultimately how he moved the megalithic coral blocks around. Now take some time and think about this man and his unusual accomplishment. Can you do it with your current understanding on how "things" work.

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/wR7c4iXum-A?fs=1 Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/o15_DQUm94s?fs=1
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on December 21st

    @SkrowFunk: Go

    On December 20 the day before the jump. He deleted his Facebook page, YouTube channel and also he shutdown his web page where he was accepting donations. What a Joke. This guy is the definition of all the 2012 Dooms day bull.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on December 21st

    I wonder how many people have forgotten about this guy and what he wanted to do on 2012.

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/at21yWIzvrM?fs=1
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on One of the most interesting things I have watched

    @Hookah604: Go Earth has a lower proportion of the element xenon than any other rocky planet even a lower proportion than the solar system as a whole. http://www.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/xenon-missing.html

    Quote from Hookah604: Go

    From where you get all these fantasy rich stuffs?

    youtube google wikipedia

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on One of the most interesting things I have watched
    Quote from Hookah604: Go

    @SolidSC: Go 1.7 billion years and those isotopes are still there, surely the aliens planned forward.... pff. (you know there are gases trapped all over the world in lands...)

    @Hookah604: Go Xenon is a noble gas and all noble gasses have very weak interatomic force, very low chemical reactivity, and very low melting and boiling points. Just being a gas Xenon has an unexpectedly low abundance in the atmosphere. Scientist study the isotope ratios of xenon to give age to the early history of everything in the Solar System. Most of the helium in the universe that was formed during Big Bang can do that too. The ancient nuclear reactors way of capturing the Xenon gas was with aluminum phosphate rock. In order for aluminum phosphate to be made naturally you need rain.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on One of the most interesting things I have watched

    @Hookah604: Go

    Quote from Hookah604: Go

    LOL, grats for that someone for making up that many shit:D None of the researches believe that the fission reaction in Oklo was caused by advanced beings.... It happened 1.7 billions years ago and since it was nuclear fission its pretty easy to determine when it happened. Btw 1.7 billion year ago the earth didnt even had multicellular life. Also, it was theorized that it can happen by natural means, before it was discovered. And I dont see why would an advance civilization dig km-s deep into the land and than ignite the fission reaction there, it sounds really inefficient:)

    Uranium is soluble in water only in the presence of oxygen. This says water and oxygen is one of the most important factors for the nuclear reactor to work. A interesting point also is the Fission of uranium normally produces five known isotopes and of the fission-product gas xenon and all five have been found trapped in the remnants of the natural reactor. Normally this gas gets released in to the sky.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on One of the most interesting things I have watched

    If you have some time watch this video. It was filmed some time in the 70s. So the information in the video has been available for about 40 years or longer. New stuff has come to light like the ancient nuclear reactor in Africa believed by the researcher to be made by a advance beings that settled on this planet in the past. You can either believe that it was naturally made or advance begins made it because that is the most efficient way to build a nuclear reactor when you come from a Galaxy far far away.


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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