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    posted a message on [Solved] Worker not visable after HoTS

    @Zetal: Go

    Removing that dependency didn't change anything sadly.

    I did although figure out why the unit palate was being weird and not showing the proper units.

    The current issue of the working not being able to be seen or selecable remains. Although it still does show as an idle working existing.

    Edit: Also it seems I am getting these errors-

    USER: ModelLink[Probe2] Model Assets/Units/Protoss/Observer/Observer.m3; Properties detected for attach point Ref_Weapon which does not exist.

    XML: GameData\ModelData.xml(7,9) : Unable to find field Color Source: C:/Users/Silver/Desktop/SC Maps/X TD_10_4.SC2Map Entry: Rapid_Spark Scope: CModel

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Worker not visable after HoTS

    @Zetal: Go

    I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

    Liberty (Mod)

    Liberty Multi (Mod)

    I believe I had these running from when I started this map. Any other idea as to what might be causing the issues?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Worker not visable after HoTS

    @Zetal: Go

    It is a custom unit using the observer model. I tried altering the model, yielding the same results.

    As for the buildings, they where also using standard models in the game, nothing special.

    Like I said previously, all of these where working prior to the HoTS install.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on 10% Buff for each kill

    @xXArchilliesXx: Go

    You can do all of this with attribute behaviors.

    Create a new behavior with type attribute. Then you can add to there as much increased stats as you want for the unit.

    Afterwards give the unit the created behavior.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Worker not visable after HoTS

    I decided to start working on an older map I haven't touched in about a year.

    When I tested it out I found a strange bug where I couldn't select or see my worker that I created. It showed up an an idle unit, but I had no way of controlling it.

    Does any know of any bugs from a WoL map to a HoTS that might cause this?

    To clarify, I tested this map on another machine I had that still had WoL, and it all worked fine. A friend tested it on Bnet with WoL and had no issues.

    And to confirm that it's not just a corrupt SC2, I re-installed it today, and the result was the same, worker missing, unenviable.

    Edit: Another thing I noticed is some building models where not showing up (differien models where here instead) or functioning correctly in HoTS. I tried the same exact file on WoL, and again, everything was fine.

    If anyone has any idea of what it might be, I would be willing to send the map over.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Proper unit duplication
    Quote from Forge_User_25606499: Go

    So, I have a problem kind of related to this

    I've been doing a lot of custom units, and sometimes I've been using the same unit but just duplicated it. When i duplicate i can check of all the things, but i still get a lot of random results. Sometimes, the actors and models are not even a copy of the original, but just an actor which the editor has written "copy" behind... Do you guys know how to fix this?

    Read all of my previous posts in this thread.

    Quote from Forge_User_25606499: Go

    What's the technical difference between "duplicate" and create new using "copy from:[unit]"?

    I'm not total noob at data editing but it seems to be very hard to make exact copy of unit. Lot of things must to be fixed manually. I had an idea to "just copy" Marine and make it hero unit for my map. Well that turned into long project to understand logic of data editor and after all I noticed that copying unit is not easy if you want absolutely everything to be copied perfectly. *sigh*

    OK. I stop ranting about unit copying now =D

    Duplicating a unit makes a copy of selected values linked to a unit. Creating a new unit and copying from a base unit will only give you the values from that unit and no linked data such as actors and models.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Lurker Den Morphing Problems.
    Quote from Kirle: Go

    I've recently come across a problem that I can't fix at all. I duplicated the hydra den, lurker den, lurker den build, and lurker den morph actors and linked them all properly. Whenever I use the hydra den's custom morph ability, it goes into the lurker den morph animation, but the lurker den pops up a few seconds later and just stacks on top of the morph animation. I've messed around with the events and everything, but so far I've had no luck. Can anyone help with this?

    Can you give us a screenshot sample of your actors?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Map Editor Epic Fail.

    @Rhadamant5186: Go

    Why do you need a duration to be that precise?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Re-skinning the Tosh Model

    @Kueken531: Go

    So I was using the "Tosh" prefix instead of "Spectre_Tosh_". Kind of silly how unstandardized these things can be.

    Anyways thanks for your help.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on [Solved] Reskinning the Tosh Model

    @silvermage: Go

    Found out the issue. Locking the thread.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on SC2 Marketplace functionality

    @deleted_4934777: Go

    I think it depends on how much work was put into the map and how many resources where used. But I assume most authors would keep their maps free.

    Also still looking for a official % if anyone has one.

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on [Solved] Reskinning the Tosh Model

    I have reskinned several models via the data editor and have come across one that refuses to change, the Tosh model. Does anyone have any idea why this is? I used the "texture by id" method.

    Has anyone reskinned this model before?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on [SOLVED] Re-skinning the Tosh Model

    @DrSuperEvil: Go

    I read the tutorial you suggested, it applied the same basics. As I said, I have already used said method before successfully, I am having trouble with the Tosh model.

    Has anyone successfully reskinned this model?

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on SC2 Marketplace functionality
    Quote from maverck: Go


    no-one would do it if blizzard took 75%

    even UDK only takes 30%...

    Does anyone know officially what the % will be? Has Blizzard released such information?

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on minotaure's attached axe become huge while he moves - wtf?

    @Zolden: Go

    Ya, there tends to be bugs with certain model imports. I'm sure it has to do with the animation setup when exporting them.

    Posted in: Data
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