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    posted a message on Question about the Starcraft 2 map editor.

    Hello! At my school we recently got informed that we’re going to make a big project about something related to the current subjects and we’re going to spend 100+ hours on this project to then present it to about 150people. And I figured that I could try making a big project in the Starcraft 2 engine/map editor, something like the Blizzard version of Starjeweled on the arcade . My current experience in programming and moding is very bad. I know some Java, but nothing useful really and the only moding I’ve done before is a map in Starcraft 2 were I had some triggers and changed some features on the units. But I’m very open to learning stuff as long as it’s not too all to difficult. https://xender.vip/   

    Posted in: General Chat
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