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    posted a message on [BLIZZCON] Nova DLC Announced.
    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    Soulless? Malthael on HotS Hype! One question... Did you see that sc2 hots and heroes nova have the same model with only different face? I like Heroes style as i already said, but this covert ops nova feels more realistic and more military... It makes more sense imho... I also just noticed that the breast armor is less "tight"

    Its not just about the model, its about how its all presented, put together. The materials, the pose, it all just looks so lame. Atleast in Swarm her pose and the head give her some "edge".

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    posted a message on [BLIZZCON] Nova DLC Announced.

    God, looking at these images just shows me again how much I hate the heroes of the storm artstyle. Its just so soulless and bland.

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    posted a message on RTC 2015 - Winners revealed

    Grats to all the winners. Im especially happy with Dwarven Combat taking the grand prize, I think it is a much more exemplary entry when it comes to representing the capabilities of the Arcade then the last winner Raynor Party was.

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    posted a message on Please see if you want to promote your maps via video

    Now you can behold the eldritch horror that is my voice.

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    posted a message on [Third Person RPG] Transformers: Open World (Cancelled)

    Added the basic Ranks and Ranking Up system!

    As I said, there will be probably 15 ranks, each granting you an Allspark Shard which you can spend on perks. Each rank will take an average of an hour to get. I also added small notifications now of how much EXP and energon you gained from enemies.

    Again, all of the UI is just placeholders at the moment.

    Balancing the time it takes to get ranks with the seperate gaining of stats aswell as making the strength of the enemies appropriate to the strength of the player throughout might be a bit tricky, not sure yet. Anybody who has some RPG making experience wanna throw in his opinion/tips on a decent leveling/enemy difficulty curve?

    I wanna do a few more things before releasing a new update for the Pre-Alpha version (make all of the UI tabs connected, making shared energon/exp a thing when multiple people take on enemies and maybe even enemy health bars), however, it shouldnt be that long now before a new update gets released.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on where is the moderator of this website?

    Please stop nagging them. We should be thankfull we have this site. I mean the spamming gets always deleted so theres that.

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    posted a message on [Third Person RPG] Transformers: Open World (Cancelled)
    Quote from Forge_User_90756571: Go

    @Crainy: Go

    well the perks you meant are some sort of passive abilities/bonuses right? If you have total pool of 20 you might just cap the maximum number of learnable perks per char (like 5-6). The actual rpg mechanic should be just mega epic to realy get use of 20 perks per char (something like DD), or the character will be just overpowered. You can just make so player may level up passive once he pick it, or alternatively, learn new one.

    I mean i saw some maps on battle net that gives this shitton of abilities to the hero which i as a player will never use. Usualy the maximum of spells for a simple mechanic is like 4-6 imo...

    Anyway i'm making some blind guesses here it will be good to see your rpg combat system core mechanic to suggest something useful.

    Mmh, not sure what you mean. The perks will mostly be passives like in Fallout 3/4, meaning you can get a shitton of em without feeling overwhelmed.

    Quote from FunkyUserName: Go

    a good moment to promote my completely data-only WASD system: http://www.sc2mapster.com/forums/resources/trigger-libraries/88037-wasd-lag_free-data-only-8-directions/#p1 , should allow a better multiplayer than using pressed-key events

    Lol, I wont change the basic WASD movement system at this point, the engine is too far into development. And with Patch 3.0 basically eliminating input lag if you play on your designated server, there really isnt any need. I might still look into it, though.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Third Person RPG] Transformers: Open World (Cancelled)
    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    the UI is okay. When i was about to make one for diablo-style control i spent enormous amount of time polishing without actualy moving forward. I don't think you should improve it. The descision is up to you though.

    Maybe better to spend time on adding content.

    Nah, I want the presentation to be superb. However, the polishing of those aspects wont happen until all the core mechanics are in place.

    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    Regarding the locking perks. In open rpg you can actualy unlock all of them. If the perk gameplay idea is too powerful in compersion to others you can scale it down by lowering the chance to proc, etc. Having a vast variety of choices is what makes rpg experience most enjoyable. With a good balancing should be ok.

    Well, stopping the players at 15 perks instead of beeing able to unlock all 20 with a single character is that it actually makes selecting perks a more involved decision and an actual choice. If you can unlock all 20 by the end of it anyways, the choice of perks will boil down to "what do I want now and what can wait till later" and then at the end all characters will have the exact same perk setup.

    If you can "only" unlock 15 perks per playthrough, that means you have to make some decisions of what perks to get and which you dont.

    As for your perk ideas, I think they are abit too convoluted and number based for what im going for. Though I think the idea of dodging maybe giving you some sort of additional bonus is interesting, I will think about that. Also, the idea that you get special attributes when your health is low might also be interesting.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on [Third Person RPG] Transformers: Open World (Cancelled)

    So Ive just decided to say "fuck it", I dont really need the LOTV dependencies and I really dont want to do hours of troubleshooting at the moment just to get it working. So, next stop:

    The basic perk system is done!

    Just two actual perks done at the moment, though.

    I think this is a good moment to state that all of the UI is very much a placeholder atm. The final UI will look much better and immersive.

    The plan at the moment is to have 20 perks, aswell as 10 special perks. To unlock regular perks, you need to spend Allspark Shards which you get by ranking up. Currently Im thinking to have about 15 ranks/levels, so you never will be able to unlock all perks in 1 playthrough. A single rank up will take about an average of an hour (thats the plan atleast), so we are looking at atleast 15 hours of playtime just to get to max rank with one character.

    Specials perks you will unlock by doing special things in the world, defeating bosses among them. They cannot be unlocked by using shards. I think this is a good substitute for the lack of "loot" (I think loot is boring) and it will give more incentive to properly explore the world.

    I have some really cool ideas for different perks, some of which will make transforming a more important part of the combat experience (as seen above) and as such add more and more depth to the combat system as you progress your character.

    Im not 100% sure yet wether or not to have perks locked behind stats requirements (like having a perk require 10 points in "melee"). Currently, the plan is to have all 20 perks available from the beginning, but maybe it is a good idea to lock 2 perks per stat (so 6 perks in total) behind stat-requirements to make character building more interesting? What do you think?

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on LotV HD MotherShip and other cool stuff
    Quote from GhostNova91: Go

    Excellent point. I forgot to mention that I was very pleased with the opening cinematic zealots.

    With cinematic, I should clarify I meant everything that concerns the story-mode cinematics, aswell as CGI cinematics. With ingame designs I mean stuff like the actual units and buildings.

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    posted a message on LotV HD MotherShip and other cool stuff

    Also, I generally have to agree with the sentiment of Ghost Nova. SC2 feels, in both visuals and SOUND waaaay less unique and inspired than SC1.

    However, I have to say I like the armor of Artanis, I think its a great and very Protossy design. I dont think it feels all that warcrafty, it feels like a mix between technological advancements and cultural sophistication, which suits Protoss imo very well.

    Overall, I think the cinematic design of SC2 is far superior to the ingame design. I think all the cinematic Protoss models feel very protossy and starcrafty, while the ingame protoss design.. is horrible.

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    posted a message on LotV HD MotherShip and other cool stuff

    I heard you were talking shit about SPACE MEEREENES?!

    Embed Removed: https://www.youtube.com/v/SG7VvMGw6w0t?fs=1
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    posted a message on LotV HD MotherShip and other cool stuff
    Quote from abvdzh: Go

    heroes of the storm would be a disaster without that great art and character lore. The gameplay quality of that game is below average imo. Skills deal non-crucial damage and there are no means realy to show off player individual skill (like dodging direct spells in dota with dagger or bkb). The environment and character art there saving situation (the sky temple and hell vs heaven looks extremely polished). I think there is a big gap between art and gameplay quality in HOTS, i realy surprised major cybersport team owners built their bands for HOTS, i think it's mostly because there is not much to play despite dota in moba genre, and ofcourse mobas are most popular now. (or blizz just asked($) them? =)

    Kind of a shame. When i got my beta i thought i would invest some time playing it. But it is so downgrade after dota i used to play. The art ofcourse is 100x times better, but gameplay is minimum 2x times worse and boring. People just don't get punished hard for their mistakes. Just spam your drab abilities that doesnt do shit and see who will die first (which will not going to happen quickly though). Lame ;(

    I mean just try to rip off art assets from HOTS and see the bare bones of the gameplay. It sucks. Right now the game become more like a Blizz modelers showcase than actual game. The funny thing it still worth it cuz the art is super good XD

    Imo it came to the point where game designers from Hots should give 40% of their salaries to SAM :D (just for the worshiping sake?) Lel

    Mmmh, I have to disagree. Sure, in terms of quality the art in HOTS is superb.. but in terms of style? Imo, its just this super generic uninspired cartoon style that sucks the personality out of all the characters. Honestly, I kinda of really hate it, its so bland, I hate looking at it. Nothing in that game feels like it has any weight or substance to it.

    That SM Mothership though... really awesome.

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    posted a message on [Third Person RPG] Transformers: Open World (Cancelled)
    Quote from DOOMEDEARTH: Go

    Hey you got a Rilly cool map I loved it when I played I am makeing a new doomed earth map and was wondering if I could use you're building models for cities on my map.

    Sorry, but for the sake of the integrity of my mods, I usually dont release the assets that appear in them.

    Quote from DEFILERRULEZ: Go

    If you want all the files i think you will need the singleplayer dependences

    Yeah, I am aware of that, unfortunately adding the LOTV dependency creates some issues with the WASD movement. Ive encountered this issue before and the fix was to make a clean map with the dependency that you want and then to copy over all the necessary files from one map component file to the other, essentially transfering everything you have done into a clean HOTS map (in this case LOTV). However, I forgot which files I am allowed to copy over and which I am not, so I have to figure that out again.

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    posted a message on [Third Person RPG] Transformers: Open World (Cancelled)
    Quote from egodbout: Go

    single player or multi?

    The game will be multiplayer, as stated in the OP.

    If you are asking if its the multi or singleplayer depedency, I just want the one that has all the files, including the campaign files.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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