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    posted a message on A new spaceship, and some new questions.

    @Kailniris2: Go

    I am glad you like it. When I began to create the map and textures, I baked the basic AO and normal map base on a high polygon mesh which still had some misstakes to be fixed. So the error is caused by my diffuse and normal map. After you pointed out that, I fixed them manually in Photoshop, now it looks better.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on Model Lighting

    @lemmy734: Go

    Maybe added an alpha channel to the normal map can fix the problem (blue channel in photoshop)...With this the model's color will no longer rely on global illumination so seriously. Here you can see the difference.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on A new spaceship, and some new questions.

    @Delphinium1987: Go

    Er..........I added an alpha channel in normal map and it looked better...

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on A new spaceship, and some new questions.

    Hi guys, this time I bring a new spaceship model. I call her "Garnet". I tried some new methods and got enough details on a low mesh with only 2K polygons. I baked the normal map in 3dmax with RTT tool, and mixed it with a detail normal map in PS. The model looks good in 3dsmax (see below).

    Then I imported it into the SC2 editor, It looked not as good as it in the 3dsmax and lost the brightness of metal. Why that happened?

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on A new model -- Destroyer Amethyst

    @Cybrok: Go

    My internet crashed down until today‘s morning. I upload the model here so that you can check it if you want to.

    There is another model, I created it for my partner's story. She has a very complex relationship with all my spaceships.

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    posted a message on A new model -- Destroyer Amethyst

    @Zolden: Go

    I have not seen the video yet, maybe I need to find a proxy first. I will study it tomorrow.

    I used the normal map to get more details, but it didn't work well when the bumps were too high such as the air wires.

    Thanks for your help.

    Besides, a demo tools named ndo help me a lot when I needed to create more changes to the maps. Some guys said that it came from an ex-blizzard art designer.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on A new model -- Destroyer Amethyst

    @Cybrok: Go

    I am glad you like it, I will release the model soon. There are still some errors to fix and I haven't finished the particles for main gun charging animation yet.

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    Thanks for your suggestion, the speed in the gif of "walking" animation is much quicker than the true speed in game, I don't know why... Leruster and PrintIn are good and they really helped me a lot.

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    posted a message on A new model -- Destroyer Amethyst

    Hi, these days I created a new model. It's a space ship with a really big main gun and 4x5 missile silos. It maybe similar to some UNSC's ships. The ship's name is Amethyst. (I named every ship I made with a stone or jew's name.). If you like it, I'll upload the model soon.

    I used the PhysX engine to created some animation, they looked good in 3dsmax but just didn't fit the SC2 (You can see it in the last gif.), so at last I chose a normal solution to create the animation of death.

    I tried to follow Zolden's suggestion to reduce some polygons, BUT I JUST FAILED. I am still not used to creating model with less polygons and keeping the details. I wasted a lot of polygons to create the air wires and big attachments.

    To Zolden: I want to say sorry here -you want to help me, but I screwed up because my bad skill... I'll try next time.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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    posted a message on A solution for simulating soft materials like cloth and hair

    @Leruster: Go

    Well, if the model is segmented to several parts, everything is ok. Basicly, most time a mesh doesn't need so many bones, so the "bug" does not hinder anyone. Maybe it's something like upper limit. (Even weird, if you change the skin modifier to rigid type, SC2 will be normal...) When it happens, the SC2 will ask you to upgrade driver for your video card, and it won't work.

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    posted a message on A solution for simulating soft materials like cloth and hair

    @Leruster: Go

    Well, I don't use that way frequently either. I only use it when some guys need special effects which need to be accurately controlled, such as a scene that "beautiful petals dance in the air and one of the petal just land in our character's hand" (Oh my god!!)...So I found this way to complete such impossible missions... I know it's not a good option for most situation.

    I checked some models month ago. It seems many companies used the bones to simulate the hair and cloth, such as "Alice: Madness Returns" . Blz also use them to control Zeratul's veil... So maybe 150 bones per model still acceptable. (But there is a bug, if a single mesh is skined by over 89 bones, the SC2 will crash.)

    I look forward to ribbons an PhysX, it maybe a much better way to solve this problem.

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    posted a message on A solution for simulating soft materials like cloth and hair

    @Zolden: Go Thanks for your suggestion. Now I know your method, maybe I still need to fix the smooth.

    Some of the models in standard 1v1 game also have a very high vertexs (such as ThorCE.m3 which has over 18000 vertexs). I believe that the game engine can handle such high poly models. Since producing numbers of Thor will not crash the game, so it seems using some high poly models as the story characters and hero units still an acceptable choice. For now the polygons of my most models are between 10000 to 20000.I know it's still too complex and not a good option for basic units like zergling or marine, but for story and hero confrontation maps, high detailed models are worth.

    The current project of our team is a story map about time travel, so most of the characters are unique, high polygons maybe not a big trouble.

    For now I can not get any carven software like zbrush and mudbox, so it hard for me to create a well normal map...%>_<%

    And there is another question:

    I am not sure which animations should be added or removed, so I use m3a to manage them, do you have some methods to share the animations between different characters? All my biped models use the same standard skeletons with same names, but there are some different bones on hair and cloth. I ask this because I heard that blz have such technology.

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    posted a message on A solution for simulating soft materials like cloth and hair

    @Leruster: Go

    Thanks for attention and your wonderful tools! Without your work there would no any my models here...

    Did you mean resetting the x-form?. I met such problem before, it happened on my friend's model (Tommy, you may know him.). This time it seems not the same, but I am not sure.

    These two models are tests for physcial behavior. The first one used Particle Flow, so the cursor escapes were controled by wind in 3dsmax. The second one used MassFX base on PhysX. Since the SC2 can not recognise them, I baked the animations before export to m3. The two model just tested a solution to simulate the Physical behavior, but for now they are still low technology....

    Here is another model that hundreds of 0 and 1 conposed a human's shape, and then spread and disappeared. Used the simple way like the first gif.

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    posted a message on A solution for simulating soft materials like cloth and hair

    @Zolden: Go

    Sorry I just missunderstood your means, the Chinese version used another translation. I checked my model but I didn't find the orientation issue. I forgot to mention that the some parts of the character's dress is semitransparent, so maybe the textures for these parts cause the problem. Unfortunately I don't good at textures and maps, so I upload the model in the attachment, maybe you can help me. (Reimporting and exporting the model will change the Ainmation ID and the m3a files maybe lose efficacy. PrintIn's tools can fix it (also in the attachment, please use the .bat file to fix it if needed.))

    Besides, is there some one can tell me how to make multi UV channels work together in Starcraft2? It seems the warpin animation use such a method.

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    posted a message on A solution for simulating soft materials like cloth and hair

    @Zolden: Go

    Thanks for your suggestion, in fact some other motions are even weirder...

    The origin model comes from Hatsune Miku:Project Diva Dreamy Theater (A PS3 game), so that's not a complete original work. According to the copyright, it's a bad idea to use it in BNet so I use this model to learn and test some new technologies which I am not skilled. So maybe it's the reason why you found some mistakes. Fortunately, the animations in the game are stored in independent m3a files and animations in the 3dsmax are stored in .bip/.bvh motion files , so technically they are easy to fix or replace.

    Here are some other models you may be interesting. ^_^

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    posted a message on A solution for simulating soft materials like cloth and hair

    Hi guys, since the 3rd party tools can not support the ribbon now. It's not so easy to get a well animation of soft naterials like hair and cloak. I found a very useful script for 3dsmax which can simulate these motions. You can get it here. The script was submitted by sichung Yuan, great thanks for his work. The version requirement is 3ds Max9 and 2010, but "springmagic_0.8.mse" also works well in 3dsmax 2012.

    What you need to do is just run the script, and select the parient bones which you want to simulate. Press the "Bone" button and wait a minute... The spring level is also very easy to adjust from 0 (softer) to 1 (harder).

    I hope you like this tools, here are some examples I made:

    PS: The origin model was created in 3dsmax and exported by m3 plugin for 3dsmax, the m3a animations were exported by m3addon. Great thanks for Leruster, NiNtoxicated01 and printIn.

    Posted in: Artist Tavern
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