For falling you need dynamic. You will need to make a variant of the SOp (Forward Vector) method since you will be crossing the xy plane. Make your Unit actor have the invisible model. Have two 0 opacity marines at a 60 degree angle behind and 30 degree angle infront of the unit so that at a scale of 2.24 the overhead attachment points intersect. Use a SOp (Forward Vector) and SOp (Up Vector) so the up faces the 60 degree marine and the forward faces the 30 degree one. Have a Model type actor that has all the events of the ordinary Unit type actor but has the SOp forward and up. This way between switching the scale of the 60 degree marine from 2.24 to 0.01 and the 30 degree marine from 0.01 to 2.24 you can tip your actor backwards. Set the time scale and you can determine how fast.
Hello. Im really proud to present to you, a new hybrid stratedgy based on two games "Galactic Clash War of Galaxy" (Mobile app) and the "Starcraft 2" from Blizzard. It took a lot of time to make it work well, a lot of work still need to do. In beta version will be added several buildings and multiplayer, and it will be available for downloading. Now you can look on the concept as a whole and leave your angry comments :)
I put here a link on a short video that displays game process and basic info about units, buildings and upgrades: