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    posted a message on Destroy Persistent effect Crashes

    Could you post a sample map that does it?

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Trigger module bug: comparison operator & records

    What are you trying to do?

    Do you want to do something like that? {int, int} < {int, int}

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Why Does My Map Crash?

    Please, make a bug report on the corresponding forum. Blizzard devs are really interested in fixing those crashing bugs as they can ruin the user experience.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on End of CardCraft SC - vote for what to do on cardcraftsc.com

    This looks excellent!

    If like BeLugh you want a forum for your map you can create a Team. You will get a forum and a wiki instantly and for free :) I know you are going to stay on cardcraftsc.com but if other are interested.

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on Call of Starcraft: Future Warfare

    Because you can!

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    @Skizot: Go

    Omg a SC2Mapster 3D Logo, that's so excellent :)

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Contest] Clock

    The contest is now over!

    Thanks a lot for all those who participated, all your maps are really impressive! You should all get your rewards shortly (within 1-2 days max).

    There has been a total of 267 votes (150 + 117), here are the results normalized (factor for the 10-19 = 150/117 = 1.2820...)

    • 1 - DarkRevenantX - (50 votes): 1 Beta Key + 1-year Curse Premium
    • 2 - shaotang - (34 votes): 1-year Curse Premium
    • 3 - Squeegeez - (29 votes): 6-month Curse Premium
    • 4 - SCMapper - (28 votes): 6-month Curse Premium

    All the following: 1-month Curse Premium

    • 5 - Sholdak - (21 votes)
    • 6 - Slarti - (20 votes)
    • 7 - Bifuu - (19 votes)
    • 8 - Forsoki - (16 votes)
    • 9 - Listonos - (14 votes)
    • 9 - Skizot - (14 votes)
    • 11 - Sl1v3r - (9 votes)
    • 12 - TheSecretArts - (8 votes)
    • 12 - decltype - (8 votes)
    • 14 - Magesblood - (6 votes)
    • 14 - Docablo - (6 votes)
    • 16 - SirLyrrad (5 votes)
    • 16 - Khalan3 (5 votes)
    • 18 - ThisIsSpoofed (3 votes)
    • ?? - Kanaru (submitted too late)
    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on License Explanation?

    A license is a way to protect your intellectual property on the map.

    For example if you choose "All Right Reserved", no one has the right to edit, redistribute, ... your map. If you are totally open you can put it in the "Public Domain". You can Google for the name of the licenses and you will get more informations on all the things you can / can't do with it.

    Anyway, if you just want to create a map and post it. I don't really know about all that stuff myself, I personnaly put all my things in Public Domain so people can do anything they want with my maps :p

    I'm pretty sure there are people in here that know more and will tell you which one are the best :P


    It has nothing to do with the map making process, we implemented it because we want to make sure that people who upload their projects on mapster got legal possibilities in case of conflict (map stealing, ...). I'm not aware of anyone that sued someone else for this matter but just keep in mind that you are protected when submitting the map.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Terrain textures

    Could you attach (click the attach link at the top right of the post, you can attach image too) the test map so we can check it out ? :)

    Posted in: Terrain
  • 0

    posted a message on Where do i put my downloaded maps?!

    Open the map editor (inside your starcraft 2 folder), double click the map, and press Ctrl+f9 (or click the test map button).

    Moved to the general forum.

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Format of .SC2Map

    As s3rious said, Ladik MPQ Editor is working fine with Starcraft II maps, it has been updated several times during the beta to handle all possible sc2 formats. Also Ladik is really involved in making a MPQ Editor that is resistant to map protections. It's able to open all the protected wc3 maps he found.


    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Map Editor MATH calculation INCORRECTLY

    http://www.sc2mapster.com/api-docs/types/fixed/ They are using fixed-point arithmetic. Basically, a "real" is the same as an "integer" but divided by 4096.

    There are 19 bits for the integer part, 12 for the decimal part and 1 for the sign.

    • Max value: 524287.999755859375
    • Min (absolute) value != 0: 0.000244140625

    It's stored that way in memory:

    [sign]     [integer]        [decimal]
      0     0110010100110010101   1011100011100

    If the values you are working on are small and need a lot of precision, you can change the number of bits allocated on each section. In order to do that, just multiply or divid by a power of 2 your number before and after the operation.

    Let's take an example: you want to have more decimal precision:

    real a = 0.0012;
    real b = 0.0543;
    real c = ((a * 4096) * (b * 4096)) / 4096;

    This way you won't loose too much digits during the operation. You have to make sure you don't overflow in the biggest numbers :) Using a factor of 4096, the maximum number you compute can be 128.

    If you would like to know more about these, further reading:

    • Floating point (this is NOT what is used for Galaxy Real type, but what is being used by everyone else)
    • Fixed point - the thing used for Galaxy Real
    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Help us promote SC2Mapster

    @Utilize123: Go

    Thanks, it's really appreciated :) I don't know if anyone is going to do another video for mapster, at least they will know you are interested in helping!

    @tigerija: Go

    hive is a really great website, let's hope they are going to push harder the sc2 section.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
  • 0

    posted a message on Missing functionality: player names

    The == operator does exist, only it compares text pointers. Since the texts are generated on the fly, the pointers are differents.

    I haven't been able to find a TextToString either. I guess they should change the return type of that function to String instead of Text.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
  • 0

    posted a message on Basic Blood

    Could you at least attach a screenshot so we know what we are downloading? Thanks :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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