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    posted a message on Protecting Map

    Note: Read the full text - You can't publish your "protected" map on Battle.net (yet?)


    I've tried to do some kind of map protection since the locked setting does not work yet. This is actually really easy to make a map that is openable by the game (drop the file in Starcraft2.exe) but not by the editor. You just have to delete the file: ComponentList.SC2Components.

    However, where Blizzard has been clever is that map publishing is done through the Map Editor! You have to open the map in order to publish it. Therefore it has to be openable by the editor. Since Galaxy Editor locks the map file you can't alter it while the editor is being launched.

    I'm pretty sure there are ways to bypass this, but haven't found yet. I've attached the example map with and without the file so you can see it's working :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on Cortex Roleplay

    Great project!

    I can't find any download link ... :(

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on want your 1v1 map to be featured in a LAN tourney?

    That's nice to promote custom melee maps :)

    I can't find the number of attendees, do you have a rough estimation?

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on A new person here with a few questions:

    Moved to Map & Development forum

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Help With Data

    Moved to Map & Development forum

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Do NOT open your map in a "specific folder"

    I never use this open feature as it takes a while to open the popup (like 1 or 2 real minutes!) I always double click on the map.

    Posted in: Galaxy Editor Bugs and Feedback
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    posted a message on What Blizz games have you played?
    Quote from Vicboy: Go

    @vjeux: Go But I guess you won't reply because there's no notification that this thread has been recently replied to.


    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Item Array

    Moved to Map Development forum.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Starcraft(footmen) Frenzy - Need item & ability creators! *Beta keys*
    Quote from Coolioflip: Go

    Edit: The pictures dont fit on this page, right click them and select "view image" to see the full picture. Many aspects that i talk about are cut off of the right side. We need auto down-scaling sixen!!!! :)

    Refresh the page and they should auto-scale. There's a bug with it, the first time you see the page it doesn't scale down :(

    Posted in: Team Recruitment
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    posted a message on What Blizz games have you played?

    Diablo 2

    I basically just played it with my friends :)

    Warcraft 3

    I didn't really like the normal gameplay but spent countless hours playing custom maps. This was also my first programming experience with the map editor. I was really active on Judgehype, a french forum where I even maintained a FAQ.

    During my first school year at EPITA, I developped in a team of 4 a game called Fooo which is a re-code from scratch of Warcraft 3.

    World of Warcraft

    During the alpha and beta I did a lot of stuff on the addon side. I was an active developper of Cosmos and developped some stuff for Thottbot. Just before the release of the game I had the idea of an addon database and helped to start Curse.

    Later on, I re-coded World of Raids and did things like the developper tracker and recruitment tool (no longer on wor but it's going to come back later in an other form!). I also did some stuff for MMO Champion like the frontpage html & css.

    As for the game, I was playing in the guild WaR LegenD mainly for PvP as hunter, then when BC came I re-rolled Paladin and was the 5th to reach the max level (given that I had classes at the same time it was pretty epic :p). I stopped when Wotlk came because the guild has disbanded and was taking too much time!

    Starcraft 2

    As you can see, together with Sixen we launched SC2Mapster and did hard work setting the website up. The website was developped by Ckknight and Kaelten (Curseforge and WoW Ace).

    Blizzard games are really important for me and I've always tried to help as much as I could for each of these games. Sadly I didn't receive any in-game reward but maybe Starcraft 2 is my opportunity!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Waterworks [Multiplayer FPS-deathmatch map]

    Can't find it either on the eu battle.net

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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    posted a message on Blizzard owns our maps.

    It's lawyer stuff to protect themselves from being sued by people. We've got some like that at Curse too:

    Quote from Curse Terms of Use:

    By submitting, posting or displaying User Submissions on, to, or through Curse Websites (or its successors and affiliates), you grant Curse, Inc. a worldwide, non-exclusive, transferrable, royalty-free right to use, reproduce, distribute, display, perform, make derivative works of (except with regard to Submitted Add-Ons), transmit or otherwise utilize such User Submissions on Curse Websites (or its successors and affiliates). Source

    Basically if you don't put those terms you can get sued because you promote a map in the front page for example.

    Blizzard terms are a lot stronger though. I guess adding all those restrictions on the ToS costs less then getting sued!

    Posted in: General Chat
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    posted a message on hello im new

    (I own Sixen! Muhahahah)

    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Multi Target Weapon, need help

    Moved to Map Development forum.

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on Reaper Sidescroller

    This is a really good use of game mechanisms (Cliff jumping)! Keep up the great work!

    Posted in: Project Workplace
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