• 0

    posted a message on [Contest] Minigame

    Just post it here with a youtube link :)

    Posted in: Project Workplace
  • 0

    posted a message on [Spoilers] New models

    Oh this must be this loading screen :)

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on [Spoiler] Loading Screens

    Revenger who got the game extracted a cool loading screen. I will update this thread once I've got more!

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on fail new theme...
    Quote from NotDeadYet3: Go

    i refreshed the page and the alignment is a lot better. but i noticed when uploading a file in the map section that some things will overlap... not a biggy, just pointing it out.

    Thanks I fixed many of them. There are probably still some remaining, if you come across just tell me and i'll fix them.

    @tigerija: Go

    This is only a cosmetic change, we did not do anything else :) More improvments are coming however!

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on fail new theme...

    Could you make a screenshot? It looks good on my widescreen.

    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 0

    posted a message on [Spoilers] New models
    Quote from deleted_4447329: Go

    Shameless advertising on TL Vjeux ;O

    They just moved my topic to their new empty forum :( I got owned

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on [Spoiler] Achievements

    Those are only the campaign achievements.

    The other achievements can be viewed here: http://www.sc2mapster.com/announcements/battle-net-updated/

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on [Spoiler] Achievements

    Thanks to progammer for the tip :)

    Feat of Strength

    Devoted Fan (0) - Purchase StarCraft II Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition.
    The Scenic Route (0) - Destroy all Zerg structures in "The Devil's Playground" mission on Normal difficulty.
    You'ze So Crazy! (0) - Destroy all Protoss structures in the "Welcome to the Jungle" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Monster Mash (0) - Use the A.R.E.S. to kill the Brutalisk in the "Piercing the Shroud" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Hot Shot (0) - Finish a Qualification Round with an undefeated record.

    Mar Sara Missions

    Liberation Day (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Liberation Day" mission.
    Raynor's Back (10) - Kill 5 enemy units in the "Liberation Day" mission with Raynor on Normal difficulty.
    Down with Mengsk (10) - Kill every enemy unit in the "Liberation Day" mission on Hard difficulty.
    The Outlaws (15) - Complete all mission objectives in "The Outlaws" mission.
    Cash Reward (10) - Collect all Mineral and Gas Pallet pickups in "The Outlaws" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Be Quick or Be Dead (10) - Complete "The Outlaws" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 10 minutes.
    Zero Hour (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Zero Hour" mission.
    Hold the Line (10) - Complete the "Zero Hour" mission on Normal difficulty without losing or salvaging a structure.
    The Best Defense... (10) - Destroy 4 Zerg Hatcheries in the "Zero Hour" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Mar Sara Mastery (20) - Complete all the Mar Sara mission achievements.


    The Evacuation (15) - Complete all mission objectives in "The Evacuation" mission.
    Handled with Care (10) - Complete "The Evacuation" mission on Normal difficulty without losing a Transport Truck.
    Sacrifice Nothing (10) - Complete "The Evacuation" mission on Hard difficulty without losing or salvaging a structure.
    Outbreak (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Outbreak" mission.
    28 Minutes Later (10) - Complete the "Outbreak" mission on Normal difficulty before the 5th night.
    Army of Darkness (10) - Destroy 15 Infested structures at nighttime in the "Outbreak" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Safe Haven (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Safe Haven" mission.
    You Shall Not Pass (10) - Save 3 Colonist Outposts in the "Safe Haven" mission on Normal difficulty.
    My Precious! (10) - Save 2 Colonist Outposts in the "Safe Haven" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Haven's Fall (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Haven's Fall" mission.
    Outpatient (10) - Complete the "Haven's Fall" mission with 3 settlements protected on Normal difficulty.
    House Call (10) - Complete the "Haven's Fall" mission with 5 settlements protected on Hard difficulty.
    Colonist Mastery (20) - Complete all the Colonist mission achievements.


    The Devil's Playground (15) - Complete all mission objectives in "The Devil's Playground" mission.
    Red Lobster (10) - Kill the Brutalisk with lava in "The Devil's Playground" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Reaper Man (10) - Locate all of Tosh's Crew in "The Devil's Playground" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Welcome to the Jungle (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Welcome to the Jungle" mission.
    Appetite for Destruction (10) - Prevent the Protoss from killing an SCV in the "Welcome to the Jungle" mission on Normal difficulty.
    It's So Easy (10) - Prevent the Protoss from capping a Tal'darim Altar in the "Welcome to the Jungle" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Breakout (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Breakout" mission.
    Cool Hand Tosh (10) - Complete the "Breakout" mission without Tosh going below 100 life on Normal difficulty.
    Jailhouse Rock (10) - Complete the "Breakout" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes.
    Ghost of a Chance (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Ghost of a Chance" mission.
    Dominate Tricks (10) - Complete the "Ghost of a Chance" mission using Dominated units to kill at least 15 enemy troops on Normal difficulty.
    Total Protonic Reversal (10) - Kill every enemy unit in the "Ghost of a Chance" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Covert Mastery (20) - Complete all the Covert mission achievements.


    The Great Train Robbery (15) - Complete all mission objectives in "The Great Train Robbery" mission.
    Bully the Bullies (10) - Kill the Marauder Kill Team in "The Great Train Robbery" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Silver Streak (10) - Complete "The Great Train Robbery" mission without letting a Train pass by on Hard difficulty.
    Cutthroat (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Cutthroat" mission.
    Minesweeper (10) - Kill 25 total units with Vulture Spider Mines in the "Cutthroat" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Solitaire (10) - Don't train additional SCVs before purchasing Han's contract in the "Cutthroat" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Engine of Destruction (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Engine of Destruction" mission.
    Kicking Asgard (10) - Destroy the Loki in the "Engine of Destruction" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Ragnarok & Roll (10) - Don't let the Odin drop below 30% of its total life in the "Engine of Destruction" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Media Blitz (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Media Blitz" mission.
    Seek & Destroy (10) - Destroy an enemy Barracks, Factory, and Starport in the "Media Blitz" mission during the sneak attack on Normal difficulty.
    Blitzkrieg (10) - Complete the "Media Blitz" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 20 minutes.
    Piercing the Shroud (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Piercing the Shroud" mission.
    Not So Brutalisk (10) - Kill the Brutalisk in the "Piercing the Shroud" mission without losing a unit to the Brutalisk on Normal difficulty.
    Lock and Load (10) - Locate all 13 weapon pickups in the "Piercing the Shroud" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Rebellion Mastery (20) - Complete all the Rebellion mission achievements.


    Smash and Grab (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Smash and Grab" mission.
    Rock Solid (10) - Complete the "Smash and Grab" mission on Normal difficulty without losing a unit to a Protoss Stone Guardian.
    Hit & Run (10) - Complete the "Smash and Grab" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 15 minutes.
    The Dig (15) - Complete all mission objectives in "The Dig" mission.
    Drill Hard (10) - Kill 20 enemy units with the Laser Drill in "The Dig" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Yippee-ki-yay... (10) - Destroy 50 Protoss structures in "The Dig" mission on Hard difficulty.
    The Moebius Factor (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "The Moebius Factor" mission.
    Alive Inside! (10) - Locate all the Moebius survivors in the "The Moebius Factor" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Hard Core (10) - Complete the "The Moebius Factor" mission before Kerrigan destroys 6 Abandoned Structures on Hard difficulty.
    Supernova (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Supernova" mission.
    Cool Running (10) - Complete the "Supernova" mission on Normal difficulty without losing a unit to the wall of fire.
    Shock 'n' Awe (10) - Kill 75 enemy units or structures with cloaked Banshees in the "Supernova" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Maw of the Void (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Maw of the Void" mission.
    I Have the Power (10) - Destroy all Rip-Field Generators in the "Maw of the Void" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Master of the Universe (10) - Complete the "Maw of the Void" mission without losing a unit inside the Rip-Field on Hard difficulty.
    Artifact Mastery (20) - Complete all the Artifact mission achievements.


    Whispers of Doom (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Whispers of Doom" mission.
    Stalker Delight (10) - Complete the "Whispers of Doom" mission on Normal difficulty with 3 or more Stalkers.
    Merely a Flesh Wound (10) - Complete the "Whispers of Doom" mission on Hard difficulty without Zeratul suffering life damage.
    A Sinister Turn (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "A Sinister Turn" mission.
    Out for Justice (10) - Kill all Protoss in the "A Sinister Turn" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Maar-ked for Death (10) - Complete the "A Sinister Turn" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes.
    Echoes of the Future (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Echoes of the Future" mission.
    Army of One (10) - Complete the "Echoes of the Future" mission with Zeratul killing 50 Zerg units on Normal difficulty.
    Overmind Dead Body (10) - Complete the "Echoes of the Future" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 20 minutes.
    In Utter Darkness (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "In Utter Darkness" mission.
    Semi-Glorious (10) - Kill 250 additional Zerg units in the "In Utter Darkness" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Blaze of Glory (10) - Kill 750 additional Zerg units in the "In Utter Darkness" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Prophecy Mastery (20) - Complete all the Prophecy mission achievements.


    Gates of Hell (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Gates of Hell" mission.
    The Big Bang Cannon (10) - Destroy all the Spore Cannons in the "Gates of Hell" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Dominion Roundup (10) - Rescue 10 Drop-Pods of Dominion Troops in the "Gates of Hell" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Belly of the Beast (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Belly of the Beast" mission.
    Unbreakable (10) - Complete the "Belly of the Beast" mission without letting a hero fall Incapacitated on Normal difficulty.
    One Shot, Fifty Kills! (10) - Kill 50 units with a single Penetrator Round in the "Belly of the Beast" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Shatter the Sky (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Shatter the Sky" mission.
    Demolition Man (10) - Complete the "Shatter the Sky" mission without losing a unit to a Platform explosion on Normal difficulty.
    Speed Too! (10) - Complete the "Shatter the Sky" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes.
    All In (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "All In" mission.
    Burn and Turn (10) - Kill 150 Zerg units with the Artifact in the "All In" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Aces High (10) - Use the Artifact only once in the "All In" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Final Mastery (20) - Complete all the Final mission achievements.

    Story Mode

    Gates of Hell (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Gates of Hell" mission.
    The Big Bang Cannon (10) - Destroy all the Spore Cannons in the "Gates of Hell" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Dominion Roundup (10) - Rescue 10 Drop-Pods of Dominion Troops in the "Gates of Hell" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Belly of the Beast (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Belly of the Beast" mission.
    Unbreakable (10) - Complete the "Belly of the Beast" mission without letting a hero fall Incapacitated on Normal difficulty.
    One Shot, Fifty Kills! (10) - Kill 50 units with a single Penetrator Round in the "Belly of the Beast" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Shatter the Sky (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "Shatter the Sky" mission.
    Demolition Man (10) - Complete the "Shatter the Sky" mission without losing a unit to a Platform explosion on Normal difficulty.
    Speed Too! (10) - Complete the "Shatter the Sky" mission on Hard difficulty in less than 25 minutes.
    All In (15) - Complete all mission objectives in the "All In" mission.
    Burn and Turn (10) - Kill 150 Zerg units with the Artifact in the "All In" mission on Normal difficulty.
    Aces High (10) - Use the Artifact only once in the "All In" mission on Hard difficulty.
    Final Mastery (20) - Complete all the Final mission achievements.


    Tactical Command: Bronze (10) - Score the rank of Bronze in the "Tactical Command" challenge mission.
    Tactical Command: Silver (10) - Score the rank of Silver in the "Tactical Command" challenge mission.
    Tactical Command: Gold (10) - Score the rank of Gold in the "Tactical Command" challenge mission.
    Path of Ascension: Bronze (10) - Score the rank of Bronze in the "Path of Ascension" challenge mission.
    Path of Ascension: Silver (10) - Score the rank of Silver in the "Path of Ascension" challenge mission.
    Path of Ascension: Gold (10) - Score the rank of Gold in the "Path of Ascension" challenge mission.
    For the Swarm: Bronze (10) - Score the rank of Bronze in the "For the Swarm" challenge mission.
    For the Swarm: Silver (10) - Score the rank of Silver in the "For the Swarm" challenge mission.
    For the Swarm: Gold (10) - Score the rank of Gold in the "For the Swarm" challenge mission.
    Covert Ops: Bronze (10) - Score the rank of Bronze in the "Covert Ops" challenge mission.
    Covert Ops: Silver (10) - Score the rank of Silver in the "Covert Ops" challenge mission.
    Covert Ops: Gold (10) - Score the rank of Gold in the "Covert Ops" challenge mission.
    Psionic Assault: Bronze (10) - Score the rank of Bronze in the "Psionic Assault" challenge mission.
    Psionic Assault: Silver (10) - Score the rank of Silver in the "Psionic Assault" challenge mission.
    Psionic Assault: Gold (10) - Score the rank of Gold in the "Psionic Assault" challenge mission.
    Zerg Infestation: Bronze (10) - Score the rank of Bronze in the "Zerg Infestation" challenge mission.
    Zerg Infestation: Silver (10) - Score the rank of Silver in the "Zerg Infestation" challenge mission.
    Zerg Infestation: Gold (10) - Score the rank of Gold in the "Zerg Infestation" challenge mission.
    Harbinger of Death: Bronze (10) - Score the rank of Bronze in the "Harbinger of Death" challenge mission.
    Harbinger of Death: Silver (10) - Score the rank of Silver in the "Harbinger of Death" challenge mission.
    Harbinger of Death: Gold (10) - Score the rank of Gold in the "Harbinger of Death" challenge mission.
    Opening Gambit: Bronze (10) - Score the rank of Bronze in the "Opening Gambit" challenge mission.
    Opening Gambit: Silver (10) - Score the rank of Silver in the "Opening Gambit" challenge mission.
    Opening Gambit: Gold (10) - Score the rank of Gold in the "Opening Gambit" challenge mission.
    Rush Defense: Bronze (10) - Score the rank of Bronze in the "Rush Defense" challenge mission.
    Rush Defense: Silver (10) - Score the rank of Silver in the "Rush Defense" challenge mission.
    Rush Defense: Gold (10) - Score the rank of Gold in the "Rush Defense" challenge mission.
    Solid Gold (20) - Score the rank of Gold in all the challenge missions.

    Non-campaign achievements here!

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on [Spoilers] New models

    There's a really cool minidiablo in fire!

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on [Spoiler] Client Installation

    The website 178.com just released screenshots of the installation process. http://chinagame.178.com/201007/74148963266.html

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Release Undocumented Changes

    Please post them here :)

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on Starcraft Editor Available to unregistered users

    Are you from asia?

    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on SC2 Midnight Launch

    Phaos already got in ... New Zealand!!!


    Posted in: General Chat
  • 0

    posted a message on M3 Exporter

    The death animation is an actor that creates a model when the unit dies. I guess you can create the same model and tell it to play your animation.

    Posted in: Third Party Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on SC2 Midnight Launch

    I just went to the nearest store and bought it :)

    Posted in: General Chat
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