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    posted a message on Research Ability on a Unit (Worker)

    I know, Necro Posting.

    But was this ever resolved?

    Is it there another way besides using the Transient Flag? Or if not, have the Transient Flag still check against the time requirement?


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    posted a message on Larva Morph / Zerg Building Actor

    Hi Guys,

    I'm currently doing the following.

    A Drone will morph into an Infestor in the same way a larva morphs into one. What I am changing though, is that I want the animation for Spawnpool building (the mutation sack) instead of the egg.

    I've done it so far that I can get the mutation sack, but it stops animation at a point, I'm guessing because its set up so that different animations play at different % of the build progress.

    Is it possible to use this set up for a morph? I'm guessing so as it seems similar for the drone to spawningpool.

    I'm also having an issue where I cannot select the mutation sack, the ability will complete however, but it does not show progress bars or is selectable if you click off it initially after activating the ability.

    If someone could point me in the right direction?


    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Trigger not Working

    Hey Guys, Resolved by the following:

            Unit - Any Unit uses Zeratul - Void Prison Copy at Generic6 - Complete stage (Ignore shared abilities)
        Local Variables
                    (Distance between (Position of (Triggering unit)) and (Position of (Triggering ability target unit))) <= 3.0
                    (Owner of (Triggering ability target unit)) != (Owner of (Triggering unit))
                    (Unit type of (Triggering ability target unit)) == Beacon (Zerg Large)
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (SPIRE units in (Region((Triggering ability target point), 3.0)) owned by player Any Player matching Required: Biological, Structure; Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, Invulnerable, with at most Any Amount) and do (Actions)
                    Unit Group - Add (Picked unit) to SPIRES
            General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                    (Number of Living units in SPIRES) == 1
                    Text Tag - Create a text tag with the text "THEN" for (All players), using a font size of 24, at (Position of (Triggering unit)) and height offset 1.0, initially Visible, and fog of war enforcement set to False
                    Animation - Play Attack animation for (Actor for (Triggering unit)) as Default, using Full Match options and Default Time blend time
                    Environment - Deal damage using Zeratul - Master Psi Blades on (Unit 1 from SPIRES) from (Triggering unit) with 0.0 extra damage
                    General - Wait 2.0 Game Time seconds
                    Text Tag - Destroy (Last created text tag)
                    Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from SPIRES
                    Text Tag - Create a text tag with the text "ELSE" for (All players), using a font size of 24, at (Position of (Triggering unit)) and height offset 1.0, initially Visible, and fog of war enforcement set to False
                    Unit - Change ownership of (Triggering ability target unit) to player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) and Retain Color
                    Unit - Create 1 Spire for player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at (Position of (Triggering ability target unit)) using default facing (Ignore Placement)
                    Variable - Modify Spire Count[(Owner of (Triggering unit))]: + 1
                    General - Wait 2.0 Game Time seconds
                    Text Tag - Destroy (Last created text tag)

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Trigger not Working


    I've managed to fix the spire being damaged. The spire will now be damaged until dead.

    But still haven't got Else to fire?


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    posted a message on Trigger not Working

    I've added a text tag to say 'THEN' if firing the then command and one on 'ELSE'.

    When Spire on beacon; 'Then' fires... but does not attack the spire.

    When no Spire on beacon; 'Else' does not fire.

    Any ideas?

    I was thinking it might have to do with the "Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in (Region((Triggering ability target point), 1.0)) owned by player Any Player matching Required: Biological, Structure; Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, Invulnerable, with at most 1) and do (Actions)" section?

    I also, tried expanding the target point to 3.0 just in case, but this didn't resolve it either.

    Any help, much appreciated.


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    posted a message on Trigger not Working

    Ah, thank You.

    I've found how to create circle area from ability target unit.

    I'm a little confused by what you mention next though, as I want this trigger to either:

    A). If Spire on beacon, then damage that Spire.
    B). Otherwise, if no Spire on beacon, then spawn one for yourself, and change the ownership of the beacon to yourself.

    If the trigger kills the Spire that was already on the beacon, I don't want it to continue on and spawn one for yourself, but make you have to use the ability again to spawn one.

    Trigger currently looks like this:

            Unit - Any Unit uses Zeratul - Void Prison Copy at Generic6 - Complete stage (Ignore shared abilities)
        Local Variables
                    (Distance between (Position of (Triggering unit)) and (Position of (Triggering ability target unit))) <= 3.0
                    (Owner of (Triggering ability target unit)) != (Owner of (Triggering unit))
                    (Unit type of (Triggering ability target unit)) == Beacon (Zerg Large)
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in (Region((Triggering ability target point), 1.0)) owned by player Any Player matching Required: Biological, Structure; Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, Invulnerable, with at most 1) and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Unit type of (Picked unit)) == Spire
                            Environment - Deal damage using Karass - Psi Discharge (Launch Missile) on (Picked unit) from (Triggering unit) with 5.0 extra damage
                            Unit - Change ownership of (Triggering ability target unit) to player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) and Retain Color
                            Unit - Create 1 Spire for player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at (Position of (Triggering ability target unit)) using default facing (Ignore Placement)
                            Variable - Modify Spire Count[(Owner of (Triggering unit))]: + 1

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    posted a message on Trigger not Working

    Hey, could you guys have a look at this trigger, let me know where I've gone wrong.

    Basically, I had it working with, unit casts ability on beacon = spawn Spire at beacon. And if a building is already there, kill it, then create one for yourself (so like a take and hold kind of thing)...

    But decided, that instead of instantly killing the enemies spire and replacing with one of your own, it should if there is a spire there, damage the spire (so attempt to kill it), else if no spire, spawn your own. I'm not sure where this has gone wrong.

            Unit - Any Unit uses Zeratul - Void Prison Copy at Generic6 - Complete stage (Ignore shared abilities)
        Local Variables
            (Distance between (Position of (Triggering unit)) and (Position of (Triggering ability target unit))) <= 3.0
            (Owner of (Triggering ability target unit)) != (Owner of (Triggering unit))
            (Unit type of (Triggering ability target unit)) == Beacon (Zerg Large)
            Region - Move Find Spire to (Position of (Triggering ability target unit))
            Unit Group - Pick each unit in (Any units in Find Spire owned by player Any Player matching Required: Biological, Structure; Excluded: Missile, Dead, Hidden, Invulnerable, with at most 1) and do (Actions)
                    General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
                            (Unit type of (Picked unit)) == Spire
                            Environment - Deal damage using Karass - Psi Discharge (Launch Missile) on (Picked unit) from (Triggering unit) with 5.0 extra damage
                            Unit - Change ownership of (Triggering ability target unit) to player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) and Retain Color
                            Unit - Create 1 Spire for player (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at (Position of (Triggering ability target unit)) using default facing (Ignore Placement)
                            Variable - Modify Spire Count[(Owner of (Triggering unit))]: + 1

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    posted a message on Detecting Range

    I'm trying to find out how to detect range between a triggering unit (casting target ability) and the unit being targeted.

    At this stage, I have certain units, that when targeted with a certain ability spawn a unit at it's location.

    This issue I'm having is that you can use the ability outside it's range to spawn units, but I don't want this to occur and only work within the ability's range.

    The trigger is currently set to detect at 'Generic6 - Complete' stage (ignore shared abilities), not sure whether this has something to do with it?


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    posted a message on Editing Attack Ability

    Hi Guys,

    First post here and was looking for some help with a map I'm currently making.

    I wanted to know if it's possible to edit the attack ability so it:

    1. Costs resources to use.
    2. Only attacks once, rather than continually.
    3. Have it define if it's for weapon1 or weapon2 of the unit (I want to end up with (2) attack buttons on units with two weapons).

    I'm slowly, slowly (as in only tonight started) learning to edit in xml and am guessing this is the way to go?

    Alternatively, would it be better to make another ability, and somehow set the damage and range of the ability to that of the weapon of the unit using the ability (if this is even possible).

    Would appreciated your feedback.


    Posted in: Data
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