When I import the "XXX"WarpIn.m3(such as ZealotWarpIn.m3) to the 3dsmax2011(English) with the latest plugin ,And export it.
Then I find that the of the “Warpin Animation”(Which turn the Zealot become entity from his feet) in the NEW m3 file is Missing.
The same as other ”XXX“WarpIn.m3 file
And I couldn‘t make some ”XXX“Dead.m3. though this process (m3>>max>>m3),
When exprot it again something will become different.
Maybe there is something miss after it’s imported
I'm sorry that my English it‘s not good ...Thanks for your understand in this report >_<
@Leruster: Go
It's cool !!!! :)
But it seems that it's using an old version of "impexpmdx_v2.0.4.ms" and "m2_import_v0.304b.ms" in the new 2.2 Compressed Package “> <”~
And there is still something wrong when exprot some model(m3->max->m3)
here is a Banling and Zealot WarpIN
@Leruster: Go
When I import the "XXX"WarpIn.m3(such as ZealotWarpIn.m3) to the 3dsmax2011(English) with the latest plugin ,And export it. (m3>>max>>m3)
Then I find that the of the “Warpin Animation”(Which turn the Zealot become entity from his feet) in the NEW m3 file is Missing. The same as other ”XXX“WarpIn.m3 file
And I couldn‘t make some ”XXX“Dead.m3. though this process (m3>>max>>m3),
When exprot it again something will become different.
Maybe there is something miss after it’s imported
I'm sorry that my English it‘s not good ...Thanks for your understand in this report >_<
Will the WarpIn Animation be importable/exportable in the next version?:)
Another problem~
i found that the corruptor's "tail" couldn't import into the 3dsmax
IF put a Starcraft2 Metrial into the Metrial Library.
it will lost all the attribute in Curve Editor of 3dsmax
i import the "ImmortalWarpIn.m3" into the 3dsMax.in order to know how its Animation comes.
but i couldn't recover the Real Animation of the model it self.
And at last. i found that there is a Meterial have no object belongs.Something is miss when import this model~
i meet a BUG when i try to use the M3 Plugins to import some models from Heart of Swarm Beta
it seems that the Plugins of 2.1 Version couldn't work well on this models.
it can just import the Geomerty of the "New" models ..