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    posted a message on Moving Map Data to a Mod

    The file size on a map I am working on is too large to be published as a single map, so I have linked it to several other mods using dependencies. It is dependent on 4 other mods for models, and this has reduced the file size of the map by a large amount. However, even without the models, the map size is still too large. The terrain takes up the largest portion of the map size (the terrain is 19.1 mb), so I would like to move it to a mod and make my map dependent on it. My question is, how would I go about sending my terrain (and possibly the doodads along with it) to a mod so that I can link it via dependencies?

    Posted in: Miscellaneous Development
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Help with spawning/bounty/general triggers

    @Rice87: Go

    Thank you for laying out the code for me! It seems my problem was I was using (Unit type of (Triggering Unit)) == King rather than Created Unit, so it was asking if my base was a king.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Help with spawning/bounty/general triggers
    Quote from St3alth95: Go

    Thank you for the help! I now have the units spawning at the beginning based on the active players, but I have yet to figure out how to create an ability that changes the owner of a neutral building. If you could elaborate further it would be much appreciated.

    I've tried to solve the problem of changing the owner of a neutral builder by placing all the initial "Kings" that each player starts with in a unit group. If a unit belonging to this unit group enters a small region around a base, the unit is killed and the building changes owner. The problem I am having is in training new kings. I created an ability which I applied to each base to train another king for 150 minerals. The problem is, I would like to add these newly trained units to the unit group to which each king was added at the start, but I cannot figure out how.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Help with spawning/bounty/general triggers

    Thank you for the help! I now have the units spawning at the beginning based on the active players, but I have yet to figure out how to create an ability that changes the owner of a neutral building. If you could elaborate further it would be much appreciated.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on [Triggers] Help with spawning/bounty/general triggers

    Hello, my name is St3alth95, and I am working on creating my first ever map. I've done some very basic programming before, so I understand the very basics (what a variable is, what a function is, etc), but I am completely new to the Starcraft II editor. I am going to explain what I want to try and accomplish with triggers, and the answers I am looking to receive are not so much copy-and-paste in nature but more of an explanation of the concept behind the code.

    First off, I'd like the players in my map to start off on a small island with one unit and a dropship. The first question I have is, in what way do I create a trigger so that only players in the game would be spawned units? (For example, if 5 people were playing, only 5 units and 5 dropships would spawn.)

    After they have spawned, the players load their unit into the dropship and set off around the map looking for a base. The bases will all start neutral, and I want the player's to be able to purchase a base. I theorize that they could move the unit they have into a region around the base and then be granted control of the base, or the base itself could be modified so that it could be selectable and had a purchase ability which would require minerals.

    Once a player has taken a base, I would like the base to automatically spawn units once every 60 seconds. For example, one base could spawn 2 marines and a firebat, every 60 seconds. Ideally, the spawns would be upgradeable through research at the base. After the first research, the spawn could increase to 2 marines, a firebat, and a marauder.

    I would like the method of obtaining a base to be coded in such a way that the players could create another unit for a price from the base they currently own and send it to another neutral base to buy it as well.

    Also, the method of obtaining minerals would be through bounty. The units would grant varying levels of minerals based on how strong they are, such as 5 for a zergling and 20 for a marauder.

    Once again, let me state that this is my first time experimenting with the Starcraft II editor, so as much thoroughness as possible in replies would be appreciated.

    Thank you for your help.

    Posted in: Triggers
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