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    posted a message on Help With Footprints After 1.5 Patch

    @Taintedwisp: Go

    I see that now. That ought to help with all the little minor issues I'm having. I think the issue is I'm working on a different computer too so not all the options I had on before were on by default apparently. Kinda forgot what was on and what wasn't as it's been quite some time since doing some major tinkering with maps, and that was on the main install of everything.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Help With Footprints After 1.5 Patch

    @KingRandomUser: Go

    Nevermind, I found the issue. Apparently they changed it so that it appeared with all the advanced tabs turned on. Which I guess either turned off or were never on in the first place. Thanks for helping to point me in the right direction!

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    posted a message on Help With Footprints After 1.5 Patch

    @SoulFilcher: Go

    No, I still have the same views as before. It was in the main data table area but now it's gone and I can't find it. Since the patch it's changed for me... I've tried searching and making sure I didn't change anything to no avail. I'll search again though to make sure.

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    posted a message on Help With Footprints After 1.5 Patch

    Okay, before the patch each building had their own footprint data that you could thus modify individually. But after the patch it's now grouped and all the buildings are linked to their respective footprints. And I can't figure out how to change/modify a particular building without affecting the others in the group.

    Bascially what I wish to do is change the Engineering Bay and Armory from 3x3 to 2x2, amoung a few other buildings and combinations of footprints. But I can't modify the unit/actor to select which footprint I want to use like I could pre1.5. All I can do is modify the existing footprint data which changes ALL buildings in that group (for example all the 3x3's would change to 2x2). Ones I don't want to change or in changing will cause glitches/issues (mostly the add-on style buildings, which I want to leave alone for now). Creating a new footprint doesn't help either cause I run into the same problem of not being able to modify the existing unit to actually use it.

    Can anyone help me in figuring out how to change the footprint data of an already existing building to something else without affecting them all? Or at least some way to get individual buildings to use a specific desired footprint? Thanks much!

    Posted in: Data
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