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    posted a message on Bank not loading

    So I don't quite understand. How can i store bank values meant for new players without disrupting those of veterans?

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Is there a way to loop a sound?

    Try this:

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Bank not loading

    I want the game to see if a bank exists and if it does retrieve stats from it and if it doesn't store some starter stats. There seems to be a problem though because even if it does exist it doesn't run the proper actions. I can tell because i have text messages displayed if the trigger goes into the "then" actions or into the "else" actions

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Ability not casting!!

    I think i found out what the problem was. Since there was no affect on the ability something was messed up so i just made an effect that did nothing titled "DummyEffect" and the trigger started working properly.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Move Command Missing?

    Change http://imgur.com/LNjEO To: http://imgur.com/oyA7h,sQ3sr#1 that worked for me. If you can't see what happened i double clicked "Order: Order with no target" in the bottom portion of the trigger editor and it lets you change it to another type of order

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Ability not casting!!

    I have an ability which shoots a ball to a target location. The ability has a button set to execute, a range, a cost etc... I have my unit (archon) the ability in the abilities section, and put a command card button for it. The problem is when I cast it nothing happens, the trigger editor doesn't even pick it up as i created a trigger that printed a message upon the ability's cast. If anyone could help me fix this problem it would be greatly appreciated. PS: In game it doesn't give me any error messages or anything it just lets me choose a target point, i click a point in range, the casting interface goes away and nothing happens.

    Posted in: Data
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