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    posted a message on using a variable as a parameter or convert string to variable

    I am trying to create an new action definition that takes a variable as one of it's parameters Alternatively, you could tell me how to convert a variable's name to a string and back again Both are things I have never done

    I know C/C so I will probably be able to do some custom scripting if it is required

    To Clarify: I don't want it to take the value of a variable. I the parameter to be that variable.

    Posted in: Triggers
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    posted a message on Attack animation speed based on Weapon Data or one of it's data members

    Art - Launch Assets - Model field has been empty

    I generate all my launch and impact events through seperate actors, none of which are using the marine launch model

    this yellow lighting has me at my wits end as i struggle to remove such a freaking basic thing from my unit

    EDIT: the yellow lighting seems to be inherent with the marine's model as I edited around the model file field at the lowest level and the lighting effect would only appear for the marine model

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Fun with inventory: Displaying unmorphed models properly

    TL;DR: Need the Wow-type inventory system to display unmorphed models (IE marine without shield) when the unit they are attached to is unmorphed

    Just put an inventory system into my map using the data editor.

    The inventory is derived from the WOW type inventory (one with the 3d unit model)

    Problem is, it has trouble with morphs

    For example, my main unit is called infantry and it uses the marine model the wow inventory model displays the fully morphed model with the shield while the actual unit I have is a marine without a shield

    plox helpz

    btw how does the wow inventory system work because I cant see much difference data wise from the 10 slot bag system

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attack animation speed based on Weapon Data or one of it's data members

    thank you I will try experimenting with event macros and action types (although I do not know where to find those) until I give up or get an acceptable result

    On a side note, blizzard is fond of adding cryptic names to their variables that often have little to do with their function

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Attack animation speed based on Weapon Data or one of it's data members

    TL;DR: Need a way to change the animation speed of my marine model based on the weapon it's using using only data members from the weapon

    I am building the frame work for a map I am putting together and want a way to change the animation speed my unit's attack animation through data members of my weapon class

    Currently I have it rigged to

    Marine Unit

    Marine Actor - Events

    Event: WeaponStart.35mmAutoCannon

    Action: AnimationBracketStart (Type=Duration;Factor=1.25)

    While this method is basically functional it's time consuming, messy, ugly to look at, and difficult to chage considering I have to change it for every.single.actor that i want to equip a weapon to. Thus far in my design I have managed to keep dependancies of my weapon contained in it's linked data members for purposes of reproducability and eloquence

    And there is an ugly yellow lighting effect that seems to be inherent in the marine's attack animation that doesnt go well with single shot weapons Any way to remove that or make it flash less

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Small Validator Help Request

    I need to create a validator that determines whether the distance between two points (caster and target) excedes 3

    Any ideas?

    The clarify; I am trying to create a switch to determine what range a certain weapon is engaging at as to know what effect to use

    EDIT: Solved my problem

    For necros: The function was the CValidatorLocationCompareRange under validator type Location Range

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Data Fields - Editing the XML
    Quote from Deadzergling: Go

    @TheShoveledOne: Go

    Well I'm not sure about being able to put it in the XML like that, but a switch effect that checks for varying ranges/distances would probably get the same effect.

    Thank you Im going to try that and see how well it works There is a problem though

    This would add to my workload once I start mass producing weapons I have an idea for a shortcut but im not sure. I am new to XML so would it be legal (and how would i do it) to set the value of one field equal to the value of another field. To save time

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Data Fields - Editing the XML

    TL;DR version: Need to edit integer XML values to use functions

    I made a machine gun weapon called 15mm Auto Cannon based off of OneTwoSC's shotgun My custom weapon uses CEffectCreatePersistant from the effects tab of the data editor This effect type has a field named [Periodic Offsets +] which holds an array of points (The classic int X, int Y, int Z values)

    When an attack is initiated one of the points I entered

    (0,0,0) (1,1,0) (-1,1,0) (1,-1,0) (-1,-1,0)

    And subtracts or adds that from the coordinate of the target to find the offset (AKA point of impact for 15mm Auto Cannon's bullet)

    The problem with this is that this system is not effected by range Attacking a unit at range of 30 has the same bullet spread as a range of 2, 5, or even 1. This flaw results in close quarter's shooting being illogically inaccurate with bullets flying with a 150 degree spread

    I partially fixed this problem by implementing short, medium, and long range versions of the same weapon and assigning them in the trigger editor to individual units when they start an attack below or above certain ranges but this is a clunky, inefficient, and unelegant solution to this problem

    What I need is a way to edit the XML of the [Periodic Offsets +] ideally to be something like

    ((1+[distance to target]) / [range])

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
        <CEffectDamage id="15mmAutoCannon" parent="DU_WEAP">
            <EditorCategories value="Race:Terran"/>
            <Kind value="Ranged"/>
            <Amount value="6"/>
        <CEffectCreatePersistent id="15mmShellRandomOffset">
            <EditorCategories value=""/>
            <ResponseFlags index="Acquire" value="1"/>
            <ResponseFlags index="Flee" value="1"/>
            <Flags index="Channeling" value="1"/>
            <Flags index="RandomOffset" value="1"/>
            <InitialDelay value="0.05"/>
            <PeriodCount value="3"/>
            <PeriodicEffectArray value="15mmShellSearch"/>
            <PeriodicEffectArray value="15mmShellSearch"/>
            <PeriodicEffectArray value="15mmShellSearch"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="0,0,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="1,1,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="-1,-1,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="1,-1,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="-1,1,0"/>
        <CEffectCreatePersistent id="15mmShellRandomOffset2">
            <EditorCategories value=""/>
            <ResponseFlags index="Acquire" value="1"/>
            <ResponseFlags index="Flee" value="1"/>
            <Flags index="Channeling" value="1"/>
            <Flags index="RandomOffset" value="1"/>
            <InitialDelay value="0.05"/>
            <PeriodCount value="3"/>
            <PeriodicEffectArray value="15mmShellSearch"/>
            <PeriodicEffectArray value="15mmShellSearch"/>
            <PeriodicEffectArray value="15mmShellSearch"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="0,0,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="0.5,0.5,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="-0.5,-0.5,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="0.5,-0.5,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="-0.5,0.5,0"/>
        <CEffectCreatePersistent id="15mmShellRandomOffset3">
            <EditorCategories value=""/>
            <Marker Link="Effect/15mmShellRandomOffset"/>
            <ResponseFlags index="Acquire" value="1"/>
            <ResponseFlags index="Flee" value="1"/>
            <Flags index="Channeling" value="1"/>
            <Flags index="RandomOffset" value="1"/>
            <InitialDelay value="0.05"/>
            <PeriodCount value="3"/>
            <PeriodicEffectArray value="15mmShellSearch"/>
            <PeriodicEffectArray value="15mmShellSearch"/>
            <PeriodicEffectArray value="15mmShellSearch"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="0,0,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="2,2,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="-2,-2,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="2,-2,0"/>
            <PeriodicOffsetArray value="-2,2,0"/>
        <CEffectEnumArea id="15mmShellSearch">
            <EditorCategories value=""/>
            <ResponseFlags index="Acquire" value="1"/>
            <ResponseFlags index="Flee" value="1"/>
            <SearchFilters value="-;Ally,Missile,Item,Stasis,Dead,Hidden,Invulnerable"/>
            <AreaArray Radius="1" Effect="15mmAutoCannon"/>
            <MaxCount value="1"/>
        <CEffectSet id="UnknownEffect">
            <EditorCategories value=""/>
            <EffectArray value="15mmShellRandomOffset2"/>
            <MinCount value="1"/>
            <MaxCount value="1"/>
            <TargetLocationType value="UnitOrPoint"/>
        <CEffectModifyUnit id="UnknownEffect2">
            <EditorCategories value=""/>

    If XML cannot handle these kinds of interactions, as I am fearing, then please present a work around if you know of one I am experienced in C so don't be afraid to suggest ideas for scripting

    Posted in: Data
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