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    posted a message on How to change a unit's colour

    I found that if you change the event to "Actor Creation" instead of "Unit Birth", the tint will appear regardless of how the unit was created and is visible in the editor.

    Posted in: Data
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    posted a message on Gather Collision

    Interesting, far more complicated than I thought it would be actually. Thanks for your responses and insight! I`ll let you know if develop a temporary fix for this myself.

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    posted a message on Gather Collision

    Thanks for the response folks, I've noticed specifically that the unit collision is off while the unit is gathering or returning cargo. When the unit is issued a "move" command however, collision behaves normally.

    I am trying to have my gatherers (which are trucks, the "Crazyhorse" model) to have collision while they harvest because they look stupid passing through each other.

    DrSuperEvil, I would be very interested in knowing how you were able to change the collision removal on the ability if you would be kind enough to share that :)

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    posted a message on Gather Collision


    Posted in: Data
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