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    posted a message on Tower Defense Tycoon: Millionaire Contest

    @Andrenden: Go

    Well I guess I found a second ending, I think. Haha. If you die after/on round 48, the millionarie dude that wants to buy the park won't show up, because the park became bankrupt and is destroyed or something like that. And of course there is the successful completion as well. Not sure what the other 2 would be.

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    posted a message on Tower Defense Tycoon: Millionaire Contest
    Quote from Andrenden: Go

    @Zeroatu: Go

    Nope thats my terrible skills to convey my thoughts lol, That section was refering to how I belive the max towers of any tier should give full crowd appeal regardless of if it was a spitfire or missle turret not that they should sell for 100%. Ex. Say I built alot of missles at the start, got them to a good point but then found they had far less crowd appeal then say a burnout tower, if I had some high level missle towers but wanted spectators I would've had to sell those and try to start over on the burnout tower. However if what you say its true and its base of any tier of tower then the scenario is null and void. I had tried to make the connection between crowd appeal and the max level towers but when I threw in the fact you only get a 70% return *hence my reasoning that max missle tower should still give its full appeal and only its base towers should be gimpped* again i'm bad at actually putting those thought into writing.

    Ohhh, I see what you mean now, haha. I know that the crowd appeal scales with the cost of the tower, (ex. An advanced spitfire for 100 will give only about half of the painter tower, for 200). According to the tooltip on the SCV spectators are equal to crowd appeal, but I do not believe that is accurate after this last update. I'm not sure if the level 5 spitfire actually has a reduced appeal to spectator ratio, I've only seen him mention the level 1-3 towers being throttled down, so I don't believe that would change the spitfire/homing tower appeal. Oh I also am assuming you're talking about the Advanced Spitfire/ Homing Tower.

    It would be nice to have either the % a tower was throttled down, or to have tower appeal "Subtracted" from a tower so we can actually see the change in the appeal (Same look as if you were to get an armor debuff in a normal game). I tend to by very analytical about my strategies, so if we were given the value this would help with strategizing.

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    posted a message on Tower Defense Tycoon: Millionaire Contest
    Quote from Andrenden: Go

    @SkrowFunk: Go

    Now when you say low level towers do you mean base towers of any type? *level 1 burnout being base even though its a "Ultimate" variation?* or simply missle turrets and spitfires in general? With the 70% sale return on those towers I think maybe the max upgraded version of those towers could give their full amount. My strat of doing all the tiny towers mid game like I did *mostly to weaken units for my back towers that I wanted to kill at the point* vs building 1 full one at a time is probably want you intend to stop right?

    He means the base towers of any type, regardless if it's a first tier (ex. homing turret), Second tier (ex. Crossfire Turret), or Third/ Ultimate (ex. Burnout Tower) Essentially the strategy that we used to break the game and get ridiculous amounts of spectators and money won't work anymore. And if I understand you correctly, you're suggesting that the level 5 towers sell for 100%? I don't think it he would do that, because then it would allow you to swap around a towers' placement and type allowing it to be easy to get the %16+ bonus spectators for each tower type. Also it would pretty much make the special construction upgrade (gives %100 sale price and instant build times) completely pointless.

    That's just my two cents on the subject tho, haha.

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    posted a message on Tower Defense Tycoon: Millionaire Contest

    Hey! I already sent you an e-mail, but I hit the 1M and broke the game giving me a negative score D: I had about 1.3 in tower assets, but for some reason they only counted the .3, and it was a negative .3 counting against my score! I've sent you the replay, but I figured I may as well post on here too!

    I had 27k spectators max, and was getting 150-170k per round for the last few rounds. I also didn't leak whatsoever in that game, so that couldn't have caused a negative score.

    Quote from GlornII: Go

    About level 30ish, monsters stopped spawning; but everything else has continued. I was on a roll too :( Had 17,000 banked by level 30; I could'a had it all.

    I also am having this problem right now. I'm going to let the map play out, and then send in the replay in for him to look at!

    Edit: It appears that the monsters start spawning again at level 40, the zombie invasion round.

    Just to add some proof =P

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